Heading into the dark, though who could tell by our glorious weather down here in paradise, I thought I’d feature one of our darker poets, a Russian poet named Anna

Akhmatova, born Anna Gorenko in Odessa, the Ukraine, in 1889.

I chose Anna Akhmatova for a couple of reasons…besides her wonderfully dark work, the fact that she holds fast to the literary traditions of other countries despite political climate is in fact the embolden essence of Anna Akhmatova.

Reading her work and biography one begins to get a sense of the indomitable spirit of human kind that allows us to somehow withstand the magnitude of loss and the seeming endless regression we humans go through. Thus we can rejoice in Anna Akhmatova’s work, as did her people in her home country, who despite the political repression of the times never once doubted her.


Memory of Sun

by Anna Akhmatova

Memory of sun seeps from the heart.

Grass grows yellower.

Faintly if at all the early snowflakes

Hover, hover.

Water becoming ice is slowing in

The narrow channels.

Nothing at all will happen here again,

Will ever happen.

Against the sky the willow spreads a fan

The silk’s torn off.

Maybe it’s better I did not become

Your wife.

Memory of sun seeps from the heart.

What is it? — Dark?

Perhaps! Winter will have occupied us

In the night.


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