The first whale I saw in Rocky Point was the 55′ whale fin skeleton at the Intercultural Center for the study of Deserts & Oceans (CEDO) on the road through the Las Conchas residential development. CEDO stresses environmental awareness of the desert and sea, and wise use of natural resources. It is a respected organization and a cool place to visit. Find out more by aiming your browser at CEDO Intercultural.
The second whale I saw in Rocky Point was when my brother, Mel, and I were 15 miles out on the briny blue looking for a reef where lunkers lurked. I was studying the readout on my fish finder, and also trying to enter numbers a friend had given me into the GPS.
MEL: You have any idea what you’re doing?
CAP’N GREG: Of course. After all, it’s my boat.
MEL: Why do you keep pushing those buttons?
CAP’N GREG: It’s what we boat captains do.
MEL: Are we any closer to the fishing spot?
CAP’N GREG: As soon as I figure out how to program this thing, I’ll let you know.
MEL: How fast are we going?
CAP’N GREG: About 25 miles an hour.
MEL: So at this rate, in an hour we could be 25 miles further away from the fishing spot that you haven’t even programmed into the GPS?
CAP’N GREG: If you’d quit asking me all these questions, maybe I could concentrate.
MEL: If you’d stop the boat, maybe you could read the operator’s manual.
CAP’N GREG: Oh, yeah? Maybe I should kick your…
MEL: Aiiieeeeeee!
CAP’N GREG: Yeeeooooow!
MEL: What was THAT?
CAP’N GREG: If I’m not mistaken, it was a whale tail.
MEL: It was HUGE! Must have heard the engine and dived right in front of us. Almost knocked me down.
CAP’N GREG: Holy Mother of Pearl! Any closer and we’d be swimming with the fishes.
MEL: Cap’n, how about we head for port and celebrate our near miss with a few cervezas?
CAP’N GREG: Good idea, bro. And I’ll read the operator’s manual to see if my fish finder has a whale alarm.
MEL: Are you going to write about this someday?
CAP’N GREG: Naaah. Nobody would ever believe it.