The transformation of St. Joseph’s Mission Church in La Cholla has been nothing short of phenomenal. It has gone from an abandoned cinder block shell with no doors or windows, no power or water, to a charming house of worship in eight years.
“People often ask how many parishioners we have at St. Joseph’s, and they are surprised when we say eight – four Gringos and four neighborhood Mexicans,” said sexton Bob Keller. “However, because we have the only bilingual Mass in all of Rocky Point, we have a constant flow of the faithful.”
Visitors in the condos, seasonal residents from as far south as the Mayan Palace and English-speakers from all over town learn about the church service and attend.
“Some are here for weeks or months at a time, some for a long weekend several times a year; but they feel welcome and become a rotating congregation of approximately 50 people a week,” Keller said.
Thanks to the incredible generosity of this wandering flock, the church is complete and comfortable. Now those same folks are supporting construction of a residence for St. Joseph’s new priest, Padre Marco Lopez. That new residence is expected to be ready for move-in next month.
Occasional and seasonal visitors to Rocky Point are invited to attend the bilingual Mass on Sundays at 8:30 a.m. To reach the church, take the road past the Sandy Beach condos, the dirt road past Wrecked at the Reef and wind your way toward Cholla Bay. The church will be on your right and is clearly marked.
Those who would like more information about the church, can call sexton Bob Keller at 928-706-6928 or e-mail him at:
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People from all over Puerto Peñasco attend Mass at St. Joseph’s, which has the only bilingual service in the city. The recent blessing of the animals brought Catholic and non-Catholic pets (and their owners) to the church in celebration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.