Now it’s time for a fresh coat of paint. More than seven years ago, a visitor from the White Mountains in Arizona, offered to build pews for the St. Joseph’s Chapel in La Choya. Until that time, folks sat on chairs borrowed from the Vecinos de la Choya association, and before those were loaned, it was BYO Chair.

Willie Fenderson built and delivered nine sturdy pews with kneelers back in 2016. Over the years, 11 more were built by a team of visitors, and local church-goers. Last month front panels with kneelers were built by sexton Bob Keller and George Staats and installed.

Those original pews, and even those that followed, had seen quite a few Sundays and were in need of a new paint job. So last month each pew got a new coat of paint as part of the church’s clean-up, fix-up preparations for Christmas.

“When we installed the front pew panels, it established the permanent placement of the pews,” said sexton Bob Keller. “We learned that there is room for two more pews.

“That’s a good thing because every now and then, we have a full house. As knowledge of the Chapel and enthusiasm for the personal, bilingual, spirit-centered service has spreads, we’ll likely need those 10 extra seats before long,” Keller added.

St. Joseph’s Catholic Chapel is a mission church under the umbrella of Holy Family Parish in Rocky Point and under the leadership of the pastor Padre Marco Lopez. Bilingual service is offered each Sunday at 9 a.m. To reach St. Joseph’s, take the paved road passed the Sandy Beach Condos and the dirt road past Wrecked at the Reef. As you wind toward Cholla Bay, the church is on the right and clearly marked.

For information about St. Joseph’s, call or text sexton Bob Keller at 928-706-6928, or send an e-mail to

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New frontal Panels with kneelers were recently added to the St. Joseph’s Chapel in La Choya.