Beneficiary of Laguna Shores Resort

19th Annual Charity Fundraising Event

The Laguna Shores Annual Fundraising Event is in its 19th year of giving back to the community. This charitable event began back in 2002 by gifting brand new bicycles to children throughout the Puerto Peñasco community. It grew by leaps and bounds for many years, putting smiles on the faces of many children. Tons of bicycles were given out, but when the economic downtown happened in 2008, Laguna Shores shifted their fundraising focus from bicycles to food hampers. Many in the community were struggling to make ends meet and put food on their table so fundraising monies were used to purchase food staples for families. This Food Hamper program went on for many years as our economy recovered. When families were back on their feet, the annual charity fundraiser switched its focus back to giving away brand new bicycles and much joy was brought to the faces of many children once again.

A few years ago, Laguna Shores Resort decided to redirect their fundraising efforts to focus on a local charity. As you know, there are many charitable organizations around town that need support all year long, not just at Christmastime – so they figured their efforts would be better focused in one direction. They have helped local organizations such as the children’s home and an animal therapy program that help children with special needs.

This year, as the pandemic continues to devastate our economy, which is largely based on tourism, Laguna Shores has decided that their charitable efforts, once again, will focus on La Casa Esperanza Children’s Home. Their charity monies go toward helping out the home with their yearly expenses and such as transportation. In addition to helping with expenses, each older child at the home receives $500 pesos to buy whatever they want for Christmas. Many of the children at the home, which is located approximately 15 miles outside of town, have families that cannot care for them, short and long term, due to various circumstances. And, as you can imagine, the pandemic has forced many people, some of whom were already experiencing tough times, into having to make impossible decisions. The children’s home takes in, and cares for, children of all ages – even newborns. They provide everything for these children, including schooling and church. Some children stay for a short time, while others may be there for years and years. Their needs are even greater this year, as you can imagine so will you please help us support them.

We know that many of you have been giving all year long and we are eternally grateful for whatever you can contribute to our annual charity event. All of the proceeds from our 19th Annual Christmas Fundraising Event goes to help La Casa Esperanza meet their daily, monthly and yearly needs. If you are able to donate this year, please send your check payable to: Inmobiliaria Grupo Laguna Shores, S. de R.L. de C.V. and mail to: Laguna Shores Resort, PO Box 1740, Lukeville, AZ 85341. Or you can donate using your credit card by calling our office at 1-800- 513-1426 ext. 510 or locally at (638) 383-0210 ext. 510. You can also donate through our PayPal account at (no personal PayPal account required).

In return for your generosity, every contribution will receive an entry to win one of the following prizes: 1st prize is a 7-night vacation in a 2-bedroom VP unit at Laguna Shores Resort plus a $200.00 USD spa certificate; 2nd prize is a $100.00 USD certificate for dinner at our delicious restaurant, Infusion del Golfo; 3rd prize is a Spa package for 2 people. Visit our website for more information and for prizes for high-tier level donors and entries for our Roxor Raffle. See our ad in the centerfold of this issue of The Rocky Point Times.