Calling all photographers, amateurs, shutterbugs, paparazzi and selfies! Now is your opportunity to show off your special SUNSET photograph. The rules are fairly simple and even the youngest and less-talented have a chance to win. First, the photo must be taken in Rocky Point (c’mon this is the Rocky Point Times and we do have the best beaches of all, right?). Second, the photo needs to be taken by you and not “edited” out of a publication. Third, be unique…whether it is humorous, beauteous or flat out outrageous, make it your own!
All photos should be emailed to me at Please include your name, age and what you feel your photo says about Rocky Point and you, the photographer. Please let me know where in Rocky Point you captured the picture as well. You can submit up to 3 photos per person. The 2014 Rocky Point Times Photo Contest Winners will be announced in the July issue of the Rocky Point Times as well as they will receive an email from me advising of their “Winner Winner Chicken Dinner” status. Our contest sponsors and prizes this year will be the following: an awesome assorted gift basket full of fun pool supplies from Paddock/Cameo Pools and the Hickey family, an assorted gift basket from the great peeps at LAGUNITAS BREWING COMPANY (thank you Bob Brader for starting the sponsorship), a vino basket donated by a certain Rocky Point Times writer and a one year subscription to the best paper in Mexico…The Rocky Point Times! Also, consideration for a front cover photo on an upcoming issue!
Why are sunsets so awesome to see and why should we stop, look and take them in at least a few times a week? They are truly a unique experience each time we see one…only once in your LIFETIME you will see the same sunset! Sunsets are different based on the time of year, cloud coverage, wind, phase of the moon, waves in our sea and the boats, birds and sea life that can all be captured into your vision at one specific time. A sunset photo can be taken from many vantage points with the sun setting directly as the focal point of the photo or as a side effect glowing onto the faces of friends such as the attached photo of Rocky Point’s amorous couple, Erin and Tom which was taken recently at La Casa Del Capitan. One of the best experiences while viewing a sunset is who you are with at the time of the sunset. It is remarkable to see how others react and relish in the sunset. Likewise, it is truly amazing to view the sunset alone and let it fill you to your core.
Unlike our Polar Circles, we have a daily sunset to enjoy. However, the Arctic Circle and the Antarctic Circle each have one day a year with no sunrise or sunset…24 hours of sunlight or darkness depending on which pole and the time of the year. The time of a sunset varies throughout the year and is really determined by the person’s perspective from where they are on earth watching the sunset, specified by latitude, longitude and elevation. The latest sunset of the year in our area of Mexico falls about two weeks after the summer solstice or in early July and the earliest sunsets occur in early December. Sunsets are even more extra special than sunrises (no Gino not because it’s Happy Hour) because the evening air contains more particles than the morning air making the colors more brilliant and eye-catching.
The sunrise is God’s greeting to us each day. The sunset is his signature on the day! Make every day count, you have only ONE life to live. Make a plan today to gather some friends and your favorite drinks and head down to our Rocky Point beaches to watch the best sunsets of all! I promise you that your day will be complete! So gather up those cameras, I-phones and Androids and start snapping some SUNSET PHOTOS. The best part is that you will have both the photos and the memories to enjoy forever. I wish everyone good luck in THE ROCKY POINT TIMES SUNSET PHOTO CONTEST! Until next time, may God find you very soon on the beaches of Rocky Point Mexico! ADIOS AMIGOS! MARCO