All of Us Each Day in Rocky Point
Do Not Sweat the Small Stuff…Each day our tide rolls out and comes back in, washing away most of the remnants of what we had and shared just moments previously in our day. We all have trials and tribulations in our daily path that we were meant to follow and learn from. Often, our most trying times end up making us stronger, more balanced and ultimately more ready to tackle the situation the next time it arises. We often learn who our true amigos are and who helped us rise above the obstacle similar to our Sea of Cortez’s ebbing tides. So the next time we are faced with some stormy weather in life, let’s accept that this is our opportunity to grow and move beyond our current situation. If we remain in the same place, we will surely be washed away one day. Let’s welcome our changes and challenges and grow and roll on to allow them to become the tides of our lives.
Listen More Than You Speak…OK, so this is a tough one for me. Having been voted most sociable in college and always chatting up a storm, I sometimes fail to truly LISTEN to those around me in my life. Everyone has a great message to share. EVERYONE! Sometimes, the message is subtle and you need to be ready to receive it. Other times, you will see it in lights and it will be very clear to you. However, if you are not quiet and observant long enough to hear; you will not be present and available to listen to what your message is meant to be. Often, we give the time to read a fortune cookie and ponder on its meaning to us. However, when we are too busy to stop and LISTEN to those around us in our day, we truly miss out on what can often be our true destiny. My advice is simple…let more soak in…just like our Mexican sun when we are chilling at the beach. The more you receive and observe , the more you are aware of what your message is and when needed, you will be more prepared to help not only yourself but others in need.
Be Kind To Everyone…A simple smile or “hola” to those we encounter in our day will go a long way. You never know what the result of a small gesture or token of gratitude will mean to another. Sometimes in life, we all have a bad day and do not feel ourselves. Like the friendly beach sales people hawking their trinkets here in Rocky Point, a smile or nod of the head is all that is needed to make another feel their day has meaning. Let’s make it a point to all notice everyone in life that we encounter. We have met at that precise moment for a reason! It is up to each of us to maximize that exact time in our life to help one another. There is a saying; you never have a second chance for a first impression. Make your first impression a welcoming and heart-felt one…. You never know what the result will be. Let’s not lose the opportunity to grow from one another and help make our beach place our little slice of heaven. You alone have the power to make a difference here in Rocky Point. Whether it is helping out the elderly, the less fortunate or our environment, you CAN make a difference. Walk the beach and gather up some trash to beautify our beaches for the next person, buy a random person a taco, send a cocktail down to the unknown person at the end of the bar or simply extend a compliment to someone at the beach. The smallest gestures and acts DO make a difference and will positively affect another. This kindness will not be forgotten, for our universe returns to us all the goodness that we exude!
Never Think The Next Guy or Gal Has it Better…You never know what it is like to walk in their shoes or know the shoes they have walked in to become what they are today. Just like our tides, their path is just that…THEIR path. You have your own life complete with all the blessings you were meant to receive. Often the best things in life that we receive are non-material, cannot be bought and are from the heart. Let us all remember that we ARE alive and above ground. There’s always an alternative! Walk your own beach, for your footsteps are just that…YOURS! A good friend of mine carries a tattoo on her wrist that says simply, “TRUTH”. What an awesome way to look at life and always be true to yourself. This keeps your journey through life honest and truly yours!
Last but not definitely not least, always be THANKFUL…Thank God each day for the opportunity to be at our amazing beach and to share in the friendships that we all have made in Rocky Point. Sometimes we can dwell on some of the challenges that we face on a daily basis rather than to be thankful for what we have. Many lottery winners have voiced that they had the money to buy whatever it was they thought would make them happy in the moment. Yet afterward, there was little or no happiness. I believe that true happiness comes from being thankful each day. Thankful for our family and friends that are a part of our lives, thankful for the means we make our living however that may be, thankful for our freedom and the ability to make our own choices, thankful for the laughter we hear each day, thankful for those that pick us up when we need it most and thankful for our lives at the most beautiful beaches in the world!
Until next month, may we always remember to enjoy each day to the fullest and know that we are truly blessed to be an integral part of the amazing beach community of Rocky Point, Mexico! The weather is grand and so are you! See you at the beach! ADIOS AMIGOS! MARCO.