The Puerto Peñasco Business and Professional Women’s Association holds a yearly charity gala, in order to help raise money, to assist young local girls with their education. This year’s event will be held at the Peñasco Convention Center on Saturday, April 25th. It will begin with cocktails at 7pm, followed by a presentation at 8pm honoring one woman that the association feels has made a significant contribution to Puerto Peñasco.
This year the Puerto Peñasco Business and Professional Women’s Association is pleased to announce that their selection for “Woman of the Year 2020” is being awarded to Mary Snyder. She has lived full time in Puerto Peñasco, for over 25 years. She has been involved in the sales and development of 5 high-rise condo projects including, Condominios Pinacate, Princesa, Sonoran Spa, Sonoran Sea and Puerta Privada. Those successful years changed the landscape of Sandy Beach and the lives of hundreds of local people by providing many jobs. During the slower recession years, she continued to be a strong promotional advocate for our town. She has always been willing to support other local charities, and those in need, with both her time and resources.
Last year she began her 6th project, Encantame Towers, which is located on Playa Encanto. This new development, again, will be creating much needed job opportunities for many years to come.
Please join us in honoring her at our Gala on April 25th. Tickets are now available, and tables can be reserved in groups of 10. Each ticket is $60 USD or $1000 pesos per person. This includes a sit-down dinner, music and dancing. A cash bar will be open for those wanting cocktails.
The proceeds from each full table provides assistance towards one young girl’s education for one full year. Families apply to the association and are vetted in order to verify their need. To continue to receive the funds they must maintain an 8 out of 10 grade point average.
The Association was founded in 1978 with its main purpose of giving scholarships to young girls who would not otherwise have had the opportunity to continue their education. The majority of those that have been helped through these yearly fundraisers would never have gone to, or finished high school, let alone go on to college. Many are now strong, educated women with degrees and are productive role models in our community. The photos you see are just a sample of the over 700 girls that have benefitted from our efforts.
If you are unable to attend the Gala but would like to make a donation to the Association, your contribution is very much appreciated and is tax deductible. We thank you in advance for helping to encourage and support the futures of many young women in Puerto Peñasco.
Tickets for the Gala are available at either the new Rocky Point Times Office, Papeleria El Estudiante or Encantame Towers Sandy Beach Office. You may also call Laura Valencia at either (480) 445-9200 US or local (638) 383-6345.