Some of you may have heard about Edwin Arvizu, only 9 years old, who was badly burned on Christmas…he ran into his mom as she was carrying a pot of hot water outside to cook something for dinner. He received 2nd and 3rd degree burns over much of his body. He was taken immediately to a Hermosillo hospital, where he is being treated. He is expected to be home this weekend and will have a full recovery. Prayers of many were answered! The Cholla Charity Fund has helped the family with expenses by paying for the immediate medications needed. We would like to help them with other expenses also, travel and more medication and treatments.
Also, Mr Fish Taco and his wife, Negro and Luchie, were in a very bad car accident on Dec. 19th. They were T boned at an intersection in Rocky Point and pushed into a light pole. The car was totaled and Negro received severe side, back and head injuries. Luchie is Villa’s aunt. He told me Negro is out of the hospital and doing okay but still has much recovery to do. The good news is, the father of the young man that hit them was required by law to purchase them a car, so they did get that. The Cholla Charity Fund is also helping with their expenses.
If you would like to contribute to these expenses, please make a donation to the Cholla Charity Fund. You may specify what you want it to be used for. Make checks out to the Cholla Charity Fund and mail to Kathy Barnard, 1547 E. Royal Palm Rd., Phoenix, Az. 85020, or you may give donations to any of the CCF board members, Nancy Schmidli, Kathy Barnard, Jim and Maggie LaVoie, Shirley and Roy Haenfler, Sally Dalton, Pat and Ken Goodin, Lew and Agnes Felton, Bob and Barbara Dammann, Jo Barnes and Chuck Payne and Shirley McDonald. Your help will be appreciated.