I’ve come up with some Summer weekend itineraries, depending on your mood and with whom you are traveling…These are for when it’s too hot to do anything outside but swim and you don’t want to cook.
Quick weekend with friends:
Friday night – on way into town, stop and pick up Pollo Lucas or pizza (Capone’s, Max’s or Sonoran Grill), and eat in condo. Relax from the drive with cocktails on the patio.
Saturday – Shopping in the Old Port, lunch at Boo Bar (guacamole there is must), Tequila Factory for tequila tasting, back to the resort for beach and pool time. Dinner at Sonoran Grill, or La Casa del Capitan.
Sunday – breakfast at Rosy’s for huevos rancheros, beach, home
Longer weekend in Las Conches or Mirador:
Thursday night – pick up chicken at Pollo Lucas or pizza from Al Capone’s on way to Las Conchas. If you want to dine out, try La Casa de Capitan on top of the hill or one of the many seafood restaurants in the Old Port.
Friday – breakfast Kaffee Haus. Old Port for shopping and bar hopping (it will be much less busy on Friday than Saturday). Sunset cruise (Eco Fun, Senorita Rita, or Rey del Mar).
Saturday – breakfast at Max’s, beach day, dinner at Pane Vino, on top of the hill, or in the fish market, or Puesta del Sol at Playa Bonita Resort.
Sunday – breakfast at Latitude 31, beach day, home
Romantic weekend:
Friday – dinner at Mare Blu, on Sandy Beach.
Saturday – breakfast at Kaffee Haus, pool and beach day with massage on beach, dinner at Pane Vino
Sunday – Brunch at resort, Beach, home
Weekend at Sandy Beach resorts with kids:
Friday night – Pick up pizza, or eat at restaurant in resort (most have kids meals). Evening swim in the pool.
Saturday – Breakfast at Rosy’s on Calle 26, beach and pool with picnic lunch*, or lunch at pool bar. Early dinner at Wrecked at the Reef or room service.
Sunday – Breakfast at Latitude 31, more pool and beach (seriously, it’s all they’ll want to do) and home (hopefully sleeping on the ride home).
*if you have picky eaters or just don’t want to take the kids out…bring down fixin’s for easy sandwiches, chips and mac and cheese…you know the drill…
Miscellanous tips:
For sharing large seafood platters, I love Seafood Mary’s, Sr. Amigos, or Flavio’s.
La Casa del Capitan and Pane Vino both overlook the old port and have awesome food and views.
Wrecked at the Reef has really strong drinks. If we go there, we often end up staying most of the day drinking and making new friends. 😉
If eating breakfast out is just too much to coordinate, you can pick up eggs and toast or cereal at an OXXO.
OXXO has really good coffee and they are one of the only places I’ve found coffee mate flavored creamers ~ muy importante!
Please say Hola! If you see us out and about!
Of course this list is not all inclusive…it’s just some of our tried a true weekends in Rocky Point.
Stay cool and eat well…xoxo
RP Weekend Itineraries