It’s that time of year…again! The ‘biggest and best bike rally south of the border’ is about to commence here in our fair city. If you own a bike, and ride anywhere, just like motorcycles or merely want to witness the extravaganza that is the Rocky Point Rally your time is now!
Starting on Thursday, November 9th and going through Sunday, November 12th, the streets, bars and other fun venues will be awash in bikes and trikes of every variety, colors and modifications. Rest assured that everywhere you go, there will be motorcycles!
The first Rocky Point Rally took place 23 years ago, and the event has grown and morphed into a fantastic display of bikes from all over Mexico, the U.S.A. and points north.
While the Sturgis bike rally in South Dakota is considered the largest, most diverse bike rally, the Rocky Point Rally gives that venerable event a run for the title of “best.” After all, it is considered by many to be the best rally “south of the border” for good reason.
Our local American Legion Riders Chapter Post 15 (yes, we have an American Legion chapter here in Rocky Point…in the Baja Hotel in El Mirador…Calle Mariano Matamoros y Cerro la Ballena)…will be hosting a cookout at the Post from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Veteran’s Day (Saturday, November 11th) where hot dogs, burgers, chips and soft drinks can be had for a minimal price, as well as adult beverages which can be purchased inside the Post. All are welcome, and we will have special emphasis on ALR riders from anywhere. So, brothers and sisters, stop by and have a bit of chow with us!
On Saturday, Veteran’s Day for American riders, there will be a bike show at the Edificio Municipal (Municipal Building) one the corner of Benito Juarez and Blvd. Fremont (Carillo) at 11:30 a.m. followed by the parade of bikes at 12:30 p.m. (route TBD), which is always a treat for the eyes. I don’t know if candy will be handed out along the route by the bikers as they parade, but it always has in years past, so I expect it will happen again this year. Bring the children.
As it has done every year since its inception, the bike rally brings a lot of income into our town. Crowded??? You bet!! The shopkeepers rely on the rally for a big part of their income before the holiday season begins, so visit the shops if you can…spend some dinero! You’ll be helping everyone who benefits from the event, as well as helping our local merchants. If you want a good look at the bikes and riders from a relaxing vantage point, get settled in early, at the Boo Bar, the Tequila Bar, or any of the bars or restaurants that have a second floor along the Malecon. Have a refreshing drink in hand and watch the show! It’s worth it! Just don’t expect to be able to drive away quickly, as traffic can be a nightmare while the rally is in town.
While I am not a fan of the increased crowds in Peñasco most of the year, the rally is one exception. The event has become a signature for the town. The good it does for the local economy far outweighs any misgivings this old curmudgeon has about too many people here in our fair city. I’ll save the “get off my lawn” diatribes for another time.
In the meanwhile, come and enjoy the rally. Remember to be respectful of the local folks and their lifestyles/traditions. Remember, also, that you are in another country, and everything is not the same as it is ‘back home.’ Learn a few Spanish phrases to be polite and courteous to the people you meet. Welcome Rally goers!