Spring fishing is better than winter fishing and summer fishing is better than spring fishing. Fish that I am currently catching with the fly rod are more aggressive and will take a larger fly. Early spring, I was using a size 6 hook with a fly that was about 2 inches in length. Fish seemed to prefer this size. Later I went larger with a size 4 hook that was about 4 inches in length. The size 4 hook is one that seems to work most of the time. However, in late May I noticed that I was catching some small Cabrilla about 6 inches in length, and on the retrieve sometimes I would have a good-sized Orange Mouth Corvina eat the small Cabrilla that I had hooked. Usually, the Orange Mouth Corvina would open its mouth when it got close to my kayak, and I would still have a shell shocked Cabrilla on my hook. So, the next time I go out I’ll be throwing some larger 3/0 hooks with flies that are about 6 inches in length.
Spring fishing trips usually have some windy days, but I did manage to get on the water and to get enough fish to fire up the smoker. I did the smoked fish and made up a batch of smoked fish dip. Having some smoked fish makes me a popular guy in the Playa de Oro Trailer Park. I have no problems getting guests to drop in after inviting folks for appetizers and conversation.
Dog gone it! A small group of 4 or 5 neighbors had gathered at my A frame camper around sunset to sample the Chianti and the latest version of smoked fish. Over crackers and cheese one of the ladies in the RV Park told me her dog story. Deb stayed in the RV Park all through the Covid quarantine with her Chihuahua, Blade for company. While she was not contemplating adopting another dog, a friend asked if she could help with a street dog rescue that needed a temporary home. When Deb met the new dog, it adopted her. The dog gave Deb a hug and looked deeply into her eyes, it was meant to be. The street dog now answers to the name of Calle and is a part of the family.
Vince Deadmond The Retired Fly Fishing Hardware Guy can be reached at vddeadmond@msn.com or 480 818 1796.