It is a joy for the Two Fish Ministry to be able to provide food for the needy, and sometimes some clothing, blankets, etc., all of this is possible because of the donations that you make, many children are truly blessed since their parents cannot provide proper clothing and footwear, thanks to your donations these children can receive such items.
The Two Fish Ministry celebrated its 7th year of operation this past 24th of February, we have been serving the needy 5 days a week, we praise and give the glory to God, since He has made all this possible.
May God bless you and multiply your generosity.
2 FISH is completely funded and operated by donations to the ministry. If you would like to donate you can donate food items at the main kitchen located on Keno between the Numeros Store and the City Tag Agency. Monetary donations are tax deductible and 100% of your donation goes directly to feeding the needy. These can be mailed to Mission Heartbeat, Box 1032, Lukeville, AZ 85341. Thank you for helping!!!