As February unfolds along our sun-kissed shores, the air fills with more than just the salty breeze – it carries the warmth of countless hearts beating in unison. While local shops display their heart-shaped treasures and restaurants prepare their romantic specials, I’ve been reflecting on how love manifests itself in our unique coastal community.

Living here and visiting here for over two decades, I’ve witnessed love that extends far beyond candlelit dinners and roses. It’s in the early morning waves when local fishermen share their extra catch with elderly neighbors. It’s in the impromptu English lessons exchanged for Spanish practice at local cafes, or Spanish lessons for the expats where friendships bloom over coffee and patience.

Last week, I watched three neighbors, who take a morning walk by the sea and through their neighborhoods, organize a spontaneous beach cleanup. They weren’t asked to do it – they simply saw a need and responded. Moira, originally from New Zealand, told me, her bucket already half-full of debris, “You take care of what you love.” And then there’s the expat who takes a hundred dollars in the States to a discount store to buy children’s clothing for four young, displaced children in need, just trying to give back to children in the community. There are countless residents, visitors, and friends who organize charity events, clothing drives, and golf tournaments all to raise money for families, children, women, and dogs. Neighbors in my community support numerous charity events; one annual event, called “Balls and Dolls,” a yearly Christmas event, hands out soccer balls and dolls to local children, but also toiletries and dog treats. You can drop off these items to Manny’s Beach Club year-round or put it on your calendar for next year.

This spirit of community love extends throughout our seaside village in countless ways that are impossible to mention – just a fraction of the friends, neighbors, and community that assist others. Lots of love going around, but certainly more is needed. The weekly food drives at local churches, where seasonal residents work shoulder-to-shoulder with local families; Barb’s Dog Rescue that unites animal lovers from both sides of the border; all the community events where residents share their love of giving, bridging languages and cultures.

These acts might not make the front pages of greeting cards, but they embody love in its purest form – the kind that asks for nothing in return. We are so blessed that there are so many organizations in this town that it would take me pages and pages to list. But if you read this article, and whether you’re a part-time resident, a full-time resident, or visitor, you might wonder how you can get involved. Well, you don’t have to have money to get involved. You can donate your time. Follow your passion. The Rocky Point Times Newspaper has a directory of clubs and organizations in town. Perhaps you love dogs – did you know anyone can go to Barb’s Dog Rescue and volunteer to foster a dog, or just walk a dog, or simply sit on the floor and play with a dog? Yes, they are in need of donations and dog food, but your time is also necessary. Robert from God’s Grace (Facebook God’s Grace Foundation) is always looking for gently used clothing, donations, or even volunteers. If you want to attend their 10 o’clock Saturday service and help hand out donations or serve food, you can message on Facebook and show up and introduce yourself. Perhaps it’s time to go through your closet and look at all the clothes that you never wear. Maybe you need to bag them – coats, blankets, jackets, anything that you have – and bring those to the different donation centers.

If you’re here in town this month of love and you want to spread some love this Valentine’s Day, contact and make a reservation for a Valentine’s Day dinner. This particular event is in coordination with the Women Helping Women foundation (follow them on Facebook: Women Helping Women Puerto Peñasco). This group which is near and dear to my heart has a simple mission of bringing hope and healing to women and children in Puerto Peñasco. If you follow their Facebook page, you will be alerted to their upcoming events. There will be an event on May 3 for the Kentucky Derby at Banditos, sponsored by one of their angel benefactors, Ricardo Davila, and all monies will go to helping women and children in Puerto Peñasco. They have an annual breakfast at Mare Blu every year; this year it will be November 14 – more to come later. This is an awesome event to attend. This year they had Mark Mulligan playing beach music with silent and live auctions, a great breakfast, and all money raised to help women and children in need. Currently, they are using some of the money from last year’s auction to help families that don’t even have the simple luxury of running water by providing cisterns and support for displaced children and children with disabilities.

There’s so much love around that it should make your heart melt, but let’s melt some more and make a pledge this Valentine’s to love the one you’re with, find the one you haven’t met yet, and give your heart to those in need.

As we celebrate this month of love, let’s remember that romance isn’t the only way our hearts can touch others. Whether you’re a weekend visitor or a longtime resident, there are countless ways to share your love with our community. After all, every small act of kindness adds another grain of sand to our beautiful Rocky Point beach of life.