We have been rescuing these poor dogs in Rocky Point for the past 15 years. Over these years we have been watching “Man’s Best Friend” suffer and strive to find food and try to survive the elements, abuse and sickness that have been given to them. Some of these animals were barely alive, but we pulled them through with lots of love, food, and medical care. During this time we have opened up a loving home environment (no kennels) for these dogs and we have grown to over 35 dogs now and are in need of your help. It takes 160lbs of dog food a week to feed these dogs. We are in need of dog food, medical supplies, tick and flea collars, toys, collars etc. for these wonderful pets. We need to vaccinate all of these dogs and we are asking for your help to either donate for the medication or buy the vaccinations at a veterinary pharmacy and donate them to Barb’s rescue out of town.
We are a NO KILL SHELTER and would appreciate any help you can give for these wonderful dogs. We would also like for you to visit our dog shelter and check and see how these dogs have progressed over time. We have before and after photos of our dogs and would love for you to meet them, they are the most grateful dogs you will ever meet, we have placed many of these dogs into wonderful homes, and they have made great pets. We would love for you to consider adopting one of these dogs if you are looking for a great pet, out adoption is FREE.
The Shelter is located about 8 miles north of town on the way to the US, look for the signs that say ‘Dog Rescue Need Food’, turn west and just follow the signs to the shelter. Barb is always with the dogs. They all sleep in her bedroom and they all get lots and lots of love, as she has dedicated all of her time to these dogs. She is with them 24/7. You can call Barb at any time on her cell: (044-638) 114-1659 or we also have a drop area at the Twin Dolphins Real Estate Office located next to the Red Cross on Blvd. Fremont just down from the Fire Station office phone: (011-52-638) 383-3919 or (602) 324-7241 Vonage in Rocky Point. Barb and Dee want to thank you for all your much needed help.