In order to better accommodate visitors to Puerto Peñasco, the bilingual Mass at San José Catholic Mission Church, in Cholla Bay, has been moved to 8 a.m., each Sunday.
“We know that many visitors return to the United States on Sunday, and delaying their return until after the 12 o’clock Mass was difficult, so we rearranged some assignments to make an 8 o’clock bilingual Mass possible for them,” said Padre David Morales, pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe parish, which oversees the little mission church in La Cholla.
In the new church year, the parish’s goal for San José is to be even more responsive to the needs of English-speaking visitors to Puerto Peñasco and expatriates who have homes in Peñasco.
Each Sunday, the scripture is read in both English and Spanish, hymns are sung in both languages and both resident priests are learning the prayers of the Mass in English. In addition, lay ministers, and often bilingual visitors, help with interpreting the priest’s sermon for the parish.
As a special service to the American residents of Peñasco, a Thanksgiving Mass will be offered at San José. Those attending are asked to bring non-perishable foods which are staples in the local diet.
Plans are also being made for a Christmas Concert in both English and Spanish. It will take place at the church following the traditional Christmas Posada, which re-enacts the journey of Joseph and Mary as they searched for lodging in Bethlehem on the night Jesus was born.
Expatriates and visitors who would like to know more about the services and activities at San José Catholic Mission Church can call Our Lady of Guadalupe parish, at (011-52-638) 383-2959, though they will need to be pretty fluent in Spanish. Or call lay minister Bob Keller at (928) 706-6928 (U.S.) or (011-52-638) 382-5512 (Mex).
San José Mission Catholic Church in La Cholla (Cholla Bay) now offers Mass on Sunday at 8 a.m.