Roaring through the open desert on a quad, Razor or CanAm is enormously exciting for some visitors to Rocky Point. They love the exhilaration of fishtailing through the sand dunes, hearing the roar of that un-muffled engine, and showing off their driving prowess.
It’s important to know, however, that the dirt roads in Rocky Point are not legal for off-road driving. They are city streets, even if they are not paved; and even though you don’t see a center line, it’s important to drive as though it were there. It saves lives!
The road(s) beyond the Sandy Beach condos, and throughout the La Cholla/Cholla Bay area, are city streets and all Puerto Peñasco laws apply. The speed limit is 40 kmph (24 mph) going into Cholla and it’s 30 kmph (18 mph) in the residential areas, which is everywhere in Cholla.
Our off-road loving friends wouldn’t roar through neighborhoods back home; but back home, the streets are probably paved, so it isn’t as tempting.
The residents of La Cholla, and all of Rocky Point, welcome visitors to this desert paradise and want everyone to come and play. We just ask that you have respect for our neighborhoods, our pets, children, and serenity, by obeying the laws.
When you are off in the dunes, rip it up, have a ball; but if you see a street sign, speed limit sign or speed bumps, you’re in a neighborhood and the city street laws apply. Let’s keep everyone safe. Muchas gracias!

Kicking up sand in the open desert is a favorite pastime here, but please remember that city traffic laws apply to the streets in Rocky Point and La Cholla, even if the roads are only sand and dirt. [Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash]