On Sunday, Oct. 3rd, St. Joseph’s Church celebrated the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi with a blessing of the animals following the 8:30 a.m., bilingual Mass. Everyone was welcome to bring their pets for the blessing.
The following Sunday, Oct. 10th, is the second Sunday of the month when Padre Marco does the anointing of the sick. Again, everyone is welcome. This blessing had been known as last rights, but is now offered for all who are dealing with health issues, regardless of religious affiliation. The anointing with oil takes place during the Mass.
If you have question about either the blessing of the animals or the anointing of the sick, contact Bob Keller, sexton at St. Josephs at 928-706-6928.
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The first Sunday in October is a special day for pets at St. Joseph’s Church in La Cholla.