St. Joseph’s in La Choya is not considered a church but rather a chapel, a mission facility under the Holy Family (Familia Sagrada) Parish. It is one of numerous mission chapels in Puerto Peñasco, established to make it convenient for local Catholics to get to Mass.
In years past, when the parish priests took summer vacation, Eucharistic ministers would step in and conduct a “Service of the Word” at St. Joseph’s.
This included the readings and many of the prayers of the Mass but without the transubstantiation of the host. Instead, the ministers brought the consecrated hosts to the service from the tabernacle at the parish.
Since then, St. Joseph’s has been permitted to have its own tabernacle and the Blessed Sacrament is always present in the church, except from Good Friday to Easter Morning.
This year, Father Marco Lopez, our pastor, has arranged for a visiting priest to conduct Mass at the chapel, so Mass will be celebrated in full each Sunday at 9 a.m. while Father Marco takes his vacation.
Attendance is usually light in the summer because fewer visitors come to Rocky Point during the months of high humidity. However, the occasional visitors and those who are year-round residents can worship in air-conditioned comfort.
Whether it is a full Mass or service of the Word, all are welcome to participate in the bilingual service each Sunday at 9 a.m. where readings, hymns and the sermon are offered in both Spanish and English.
To reach the St. Joseph Chapel, take the paved road past the Sandy Beach Resorts and the sand road past Wrecked at the Reef. As you wind toward Cholla Bay, the church is on the right.
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