It’s widely known that the sun and salt water take a toll on construction materials.
The steel reinforced concrete power poles that were erected in La Choya in the 1990s had experienced extensive damage from the elements. Many of those closest to the sea had rotted down to the rebar. That, along with component failures, let to frequent power outages in the community.
The residents of La Choya drafted and signed a petition to CFE, asking for attention to the infrastructure and it was no sooner asked than answered.
For several months the utility company has been replacing and upgrading equipment in La Choya. That work created a minor inconvenience for residents who were without power for up to eight hours a day as each section of the community was serviced. However, residents were more than pleased to experience the short-term outages for the long-term gain.
Neighborhood Association President Pat Sledge said, “We salute CFE for their quick response to our request for service and for the excellent service they provided.”
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New power poles have been set in La Choya, replacing those damaged by sun and sea.
Workmen transfer the power lines from the old to new lines.