For the second year Sonoran Resorts are encouraging everyone to donate whatever non-perishable foods you can spare or choose to donate to be distributed to the many families in Puerto Peñasco who have been affected by the devastating crash of the tourism-based economy here over the last several years. Many of these families find themselves in need of the basics for survival, like food for their children.

Sonoran Resorts Director of Sales and Marketing, Jim Ringquist, wanted to create a way to provide ongoing help to the needy in our economically torn community and last year determined that a Holiday Food Drive would provide the most expedient, timely and direct benefit to those who needed help the most.

Within days he had gathered the support of the city and of DIF (Department of Integral Family Development) the 35 year old municipal family assistance organization, and launched the first drive, the success of which was gratefully appreciated by DIF.

This year, Jim has met with and gained the enthusiastic blessings of the new administration, including Profra. Rafaela Felix Bernal, new President of DIF and esteemed wife of the newly elected Honorable Mayor of Puerto Peñasco, Profr. Gerardo Figueroa Zazueta.

By government policy, a Mayor may only serve one term of three years. It is also the tradition that the Mayor’s wife becomes the President of the important DIF organization. She then brings aboard her management staff and sets the mission and goals for the organization for the next three years. Since taking office on September 16th of this year, the new administration has already written and published an impressive DIF Analysis and Work Plan for the next three years.

Non-perishable food items are treasures for the needy, and readily accessible to our generous visitors. We gratefully request that you remember the less fortunate on your next visit to Rocky Point and stop by one of the sales offices at any of the Sonoran Resorts or stop by the Tourism and Visitors Assistance Office to donate an item or two for this great cause. If you prefer, cash donations are also being accepted.

If you are not planning a trip to Rocky Point over this holiday season and would still like to donate, you may email Jim Ringquist at the email address for details on how you can help.

Sonoran Resorts are proud and privileged to conduct our Second Annual Holiday Food Drive in cooperation with the City of Puerto Peñasco and DIF Charities. And we sincerely look forward to your food donations.