Maria and Benito Bascelli are owners/operators of Seaside Window Covering located in the courtyard of their restaurant, Giuseppi’s Espresso Café on Fremont Boulevard.
1. How would you describe yourself in one sentence? A workaholic who is always conceiving new projects.
2. When and how did you first discover Peñasco? Puerto Peñasco was first mentioned to me in 1986 while working on a design project for a client in La Jolla, California. We ventured down and at first had a trailer on Encanto Beach and decided to buy two lots from “T-Shirt Bob.” Our second home has been one of those endless projects that I keep “enhancing and improving.”
3. What enticed you to locate here? Business opportunities.
4. What was your biggest challenge when adjusting to life here? The culture.
5. How do you fill your days? Depending on the day always working on my endless projects.
6. Besides here, where do you think of as home and what do you miss about that home? Surprise, AZ and the shopping possibilities.
7. Prior to locating in Peñasco, what was your job/career path? Window covering business in Phoenix since 1975.
8. What here always brings a smile? A nice day at the beach.
9. If you were to leave, what would you miss most? The beach.
10. What one thing would you say to convince someone to relocate here? Just give it a try.
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