October was a very busy month for our local Rotary Club. We held our first assembly meeting to nominate future club officers, balance the budget, and plan future projects.
Our three exchange students, from Germany, Taiwan and Brazil are now settled in with their hosting families and are attending school. These students will work with our Rotary Club during their exchange time in Peñasco. I hope some of you will have a change to meet them as they are such inspiring youth.
We coordinated a very successful vision clinic this year: serving over 300 adults and 200 youth with eye tests and glasses. This was a very special / “feel good” activity to be involved with.
We also hosted our District Governor in October. During his visit we organized our open house for the public to see our Rotary sponsored water plant. This water purification facility located on Luis Encinas was a result of a $60,000 USD grant awarded to our club. Through this grant we were also able to purchase a water truck and now are delivering fresh drinking water to all the public elementary schools in Rocky Point. Oomapas is working with us in providing this service.
At the end of October, we held our annual Polio Plus Dinner and fundraiser. What an outstanding event at Mare Blu!! Thanks to Julio, owner of Mare Blu for making it such a special night. We raised a lot of money for a great cause and, if I am not mistaken, a fantastic time was had by all! A huge “THANK YOU” to all of you that once again supported Rotary in our efforts to make the dreaded disease of polio a disease of he past!!! This is an ongoing effort that required continued funding for vaccinations in many third world countries.
As we Rotarians continue to practice “Service Above Self” we are always looking for worthy projects that will benefit our Rocky Point Community. As you know there are so many opportunities locally, that we would love to include more of you!
If you have any interest in volunteering with our club or better yet becoming a member, join us, we meet every Wednesday morning at 9am at the Friendly Dolphin Restaurant or give me a call, Dr. Sally Downy 480-612-5783.
We also have a website: clubrotariopuertopenasco.org. As I have said before “Service Above Self”…What a wonderful, feel good way to live!!