On February 23, 2023, Rotary celebrated its 118th Anniversary. Who would’ve thought that an organization started in Chicago, Illinois 118 years ago would have such an impact on the world!
Our entire Rotary Club wants to thank the Rocky Point participants for sharing their time and money to make this annual Fishbowl such a wonderful success. We had great participation from our local restaurants and artists, and I think a good time was had by all! After we paid all the bills our club netted approximately $13,000 from the Fishbowl Fundraiser. As I’ve told you in the past the money will all go back to the community to make life a little bit easier and better for all of us living or visiting Puerto Peñasco.
Recently our club participated in a citywide press conference meant to show comprehensive efforts that have been done to combat the disease Rickettsia, those included in the conference were the hospitals, the health center, ecology office, animal control, and others. There have been some decreases in areas where campaigns have been focused; however, Peñasco remains the number one per capita in recorded deaths in Mexico. As we met with this group and decided our goal would be to reach a controllable percentage by the end of the year.
Many of you are aware that through a district grant we were able to establish a water purification plant on Luis Encinas. This plant is up and running and furnishing drinking water to local schools. We are placing a water dispenser at the locations and would encourage you to fill your water bottles there, the money we earn from that will help sustain the water distribution to the schools.
Recently, we were able to make a donation of cones and a computer to the fire department. The fire department (Bomberos) had requested two computers to help the community when the trucks are out and about. Thanks to the generous donation of Jeanne Cannon, we were able to provide one computer. Thanks Jeanne it is people like you that make this place a great place to live! If you remember, through a district grant we were able to purchase a repeater radio for the Red Cross (Cruz Roja) to communicate with the ambulances when they are out in the community. Through a donation from our club of $1500 dlls and a matching amount of $1000 from District, we recently also equipped those ambulances with digital radios…Your Rotary dollars at work!
As we embark on Spring activities including visits from other Rotary Clubs and interact students from Heber, Utah, we will continue to provide opportunities for our visitors to get involved in our community through service. If you would like to get involved, we have a new group of volunteers meeting twice a month, the second and fourth Wednesday, at 4 o’clock. We are changing the location of that meeting from Dukes to the Friendly Dolphin. Come and check it out and see if this is something you would like to be a part of. Again, our weekly Rotary meetings are at 9 o’clock in the morning at the Friendly Dolphin every Wednesday. If you have any questions, our club contact information and my contact information will be at the bottom of this article. Come join us, service above self is a wonderful way to live.