Wow! We did it. We had a fantastic Rotary District convention over the weekend of Cinco de Mayo right here in our little town. We brought together District 4100 which consists of all the

rotary clubs in Mexico that are in that District and District 5495, which consists of many of the

rotary clubs in Phoenix, Arizona. We had 650+ individuals in attendance and probably close to

75 exchange students. We had individuals attending from Argentina, Kenya, and Chicago…A

real cross-section of people. The theme of the conference was two nations and one Rotary.

The conference started on May 2nd and ended on May 5th. Oscar Palacio was the chairperson that brought this all together along with the help from members of our club. You know the old saying “It takes a village” and that was surely the case that was needed to pull this off. There were a number of attendees that had never been to Rocky Point, and it certainly didn’t hurt that we had “Chamber of Commerce” weather while they were here. We had a wonderful opportunity to showcase our little slice of heaven.

We had many dynamite speakers at the conference, and all seemed to have the same underlining theme… Service above self, continue to open doors for others and pray for peace.

The vice president of international affairs gave us an update on changes that will be occurring globally with Rotary and she also commented on the fact that there have been a couple cases of polio that has been recorded. As many of you know polio, and the eradication of it has been a

mission of Rotary for years, it looks like we still have a little work to do. We are at 98% of the

world is polio free but there’s still that 2% that needs to be addressed. The cases which have

surfaced are mainly in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

There are so many things I could share with you about the conference, my head is still spinning,

but I also have a renewed spirit to continue to help others…There is still a lot of work to be done. I wish all my readers could’ve attended a couple of the sessions Because I know you would want to learn more about Rotary and be a part of this worldwide organization. Don’t forget we meet every Wednesday at 9 o’clock in the morning and if you’re curious and want to learn

more about our mission and plans of action please join us.