Over the past several years, many donations have been given to our Rotary club. These donations come from rotary clubs in the United States, individuals, and other such sources. The donations consist of medical equipment, walkers, canes, and all kinds of equipment that assist handicap individuals. On February 3rd the fire department, Casa Hogar, the Red Cross, the hospital, and other such entities, were able to look at all the donations and decide what would work best for their needs. It was a glorious day to be able to give these wonderful donations to all of the organizations that are so important to our community. Like I have said so many times this is another reason why it’s so important to have a Rotary club in Puerto Peñasco…our network is incredible!
A service project that we completed in February was to repaint or even paint some new handicapped accessibility areas. We have done this often around town to make sure that the accessibility for handicapped individuals is well noticed. It’s always a great activity to work shoulder to shoulder with fellow Rotarians to once again improve our community.
We really missed the opportunity to host the Fishbowl this year, which is one of our major activities, but due to the border closing, we didn’t think it was fair to ask the many wonderful restaurants that always participate for donations of time and food for this event so we have turned our attention to planning Our district conference, which will be held from May 2 to May 5. This conference will have attendees from the United States and Mexico. We are calling it Two Countries and One Rotary and we are very busy lining up speakers and activities for the conference, and hope to have lots of participation from all around Mexico and Arizona.
A big thank you to all of you who bought Super Bowl squares…this was our fundraiser this year since we didn’t have the Fishbowl. I wish I could tell you who the winners of the cash are; but I’m writing this article before the Super Bowl, I will have the winners’ names in the next issue. Like I say so often we could not have the success that we have without the marvelous support we receive from the community…you are the best! As always if you would like to learn more about Rotary or attend a meeting that would be great. We meet every Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock. Check out our website for details: clubrotariopuertopenasco.org, or you can call me, Dr. Sally Downey at 480-612-5783.