Welcome back readers! Now it is time to spend the best months/weatherwise in Rocky Point…Our little paradise south of the border. Our Rotary club here in Peñasco has a lot going on so I want to take this opportunity to bring everyone up to speed. Our exchange students are here, Valentia from Brazil, Alexander from Denmark, Bjarne from Germany and Sara from Hungary. These young people will spend the school year here in Puerto Peñasco with Host Families. After a short camp in mid-August in La Paz with all 53 exchange students visiting throughout our Rotary District, they will start their respective high schools working primarily on Spanish language skills. This is our fifth year receiving and sending exchange students. These students will forever change their lives through this exchange. If any readers are interested in getting more involved with this youth exchange you can contact Sami at 638-380-8849 or Luis at 638-105-4047 for more information.
Once again Rotary will welcome back VistAmerica and Hope Alliance as we work together to provide a vision clinic primarily for elementary school kids. Our focus this year will be on improving the quality of care the students receive and our goal is to serve 200. Please save the date of October 19th when Rotary will host our “Annual World’s Greatest Meal” … A fundraiser for polio plus Rotary international. This project helps us to keep cases of polio worldwide dormant. This is always a great evening of camaraderie and fun. Check out our Facebook page: “Club Rotario Mar de Peñasco, A.C.” For updates and tickets for this event. The cost will be 500 pesos per person.
Rickettsia/Rocky Mountain spotted fever continues to be a major health concern in Puerto Peñasco and our club remains in close contact with the local health center to develop educational materials to continue to raise awareness across the community including the development of a didactic video which explains the disease. Another project we are working on district wide, our Rotary district 4100 which includes the states of Sonora, Baja California, and Baja California Sur, is inviting clubs and communities across the region to join a project aimed at having cardio protected sites in areas where there are large gatherings. This would include defibrillators and training with the target of certification of sites. We are hoping to assist this initiative through a global grant with the outcome being 30 certified sites. On November 18th Rotary will host a fundraising golf tournament at the Links at Las Palomas and promises to be a very fun day. So, all you golfers mark your calendar and come join us. More details on the format of the Tournament will be forthcoming. Also remember the huge Bi/District Conference we are hosting in May 2024. If you want more details on this event a contact in the United States is: Cos@rotary5495.org. As always thanks for your support of Rotary we couldn’t do it without you! Wow!