This spring our Rotary club has started, “spiffing up the community by painting, all the handicapped accessibility ramps at our local parks. We started with the Shrimp Park and are now moving on to the park near the baseball stadium. We have involved our Rotary exchange students in this project and it’s a lot of fun working with them as we promote a “service above self” theme. Recently, our exchange students prepared a meal for our Rotary club, consisting of different delicacies from their respective country. The countries represented were Denmark, Germany, Hungary, and Brazil it was quite a “Bon Appetit” evening.
Our club will also be working at the local hospital to do some painting and repair of some water leaks. We were able to distribute quite a bit of equipment to the hospital and several other charitable organizations, including the Red Cross, the fire department, and DIF. This equipment was all donated to our Rotary club, and we were so pleased to be able to release it for use in our community.
Also, in March we hosted a leader ship conference at CEDO for all the RYLA students. RYLA is a Club open to high school students and is a precursor to Rotary. We hope by investing in the youth and teaching them leader ship skills that they will become Rotarians as adults
We are full steam ahead, planning the district conference for May 2nd to the 5th. This will involve rotary clubs from our district in Mexico, as well as rotary clubs from Arizona. The theme is Two Countries One Rotary. Our goal is to make this a spectacular event and at the same time showcase all the amenities that can be enjoyed in Rocky Point. For all of our convention, attendees, that have never visited our community before this will be an opportunity for us make a lasting impression and hopefully, they’ll fall in love with Rocky Point like so many of us have.
We would like to welcome our new two members Paul and Shirley Amador who are Dentists in town and just joined our club. As always, if you would like to get involved in some of our service activities let me know…There’s plenty of work to be done. Also, if you’d like to attend a Rotary meeting, we meet every Wednesday at 9:00 AM at the restaurant at Playa Bonita.