As the temperatures begin to cool, and many friends return to Rocky Point, it is always a
renewed time of year for all of us. Our Rotary Club was so busy last year hosting our international district meeting…Rocky point was the destination for close to 800 Rotarians from
Mexico and the United States, and even some countries like Argentina and Kenya. It was a spectacular event with so much camaraderie and shared friendships as well as a renewed spirit
for “Service Above Self”.
Last year we had four extraordinary exchange students that we sent back to their homelands
and we are now in the process of hosting four new exchange students. This is always a very
special treat to get to know these outstanding young people and by promoting an understanding of our different cultures it brings us all together. A great big thank you to all the Peñasco host families that these students lived with for the year. This program would not have been successful without their willingness to play Mom and Dad to these young people when they’re in our country.
I am sure this Rotary Year will be just as busy as many others. We are planning for our Polio
Plus, dinner to be held in October and hopefully we will be able to host the Fishbowl in February. Both of these events have been very well attended. Thanks to all of you. We don’t have secured dates yet for either of these events but we will soon, so, stay tuned! As always, if anybody’s interested in being a part of Rotary or attending one of our meetings, let me
know, we welcome you with open arms.