May was a fantastic month even with our April winds that showed up a month late. The town was teeming with events, activity and people – always nice to see. We even had some positive press regarding our Home Port, which is slated to finish January 2017 and is reported to bring over 7,000 jobs to the area. This is so huge I can’t hardly imagine. It will be very strange driving to the office – along Sandy Beach – or pretty much anywhere in town and see giant cruise ships docked right off shore. Just imagine how many people from all over the world and all over Mexico are going to discover Puerto Peñasco for the very first time. It will sure be something to experience.
If you read May’s Editorial (of course you did!) then you know that country music singer, Nick Nicholson was here filming the “Countin’ Down to Sunset” music video. I was fortunate enough to be a part of the video and hang around the cast and crew and what a blast it was. It was a full day of filming, music and partying at Laguna Shores Resort. Nick gave an encore performance after the last take and RUCA (Hailey and Jack) entertained the crowd throughout the day and I have to say they are absolutely fantastic and you can look forward to seeing them play around town. Now let’s hope the video goes viral and gets international play so more people come to discover Puerto Peñasco.
The 38th El Golfo Run took place the same weekend as the video shoot so I was only part of the Friday shenanigans and it was as fun as ever. The group of 40 vehicles (60+ people) invaded 3 motels and the small town for 3 days and 2 nights. The Run saw some new faces and ended on Sunday at Puesta del Sol at Playa Bonita on Sunday night for the Survivor’s Dinner. No one was left behind (as far as I know). The next Run is slated for October 23rd so reserve your room by October 9th by emailing Alicia at or call Sandy or Alicia at the office at 383-6325.
And also the same weekend was the Top Chef competition held at the Shrimp Plaza downtown. ¡Felicidades! Congrats to Mickey’s Sous Chef Manuel and Pastry Chef Julie for taking home this year’s TOP Chef honors! Watch the Rocky Point Times Newspaper and Facebook page for next year’s competition.
Have you noticed that our wind generator has been turning nonstop for over a month now? And that the town is sure shaping up? Whew! The street construction is being finished up and traffic is flowing again. Old Port still needs some works and Blvd. Samuel Ocaña is almost finished (up to the railroad tracks) and the lighting is done. Speaking of railroad tracks…looks like we will be getting new railroad ties at the intersection of the Ranch Rd. and the Coastal Hwy. Ever since the train de-railment, that crossing has been getting worse and worse. You have to go over it at a perpendicular angle or risk bottoming out. I have talked to a few people who have hit it pretty hard and done some damage to their cars. The crossing is hard to see at night and here in Rocky Point (as well as other places in Mexico) we do not have the crossing arms and blinking lights so watch your speed and know where the crossings are, because they all are STOPS, anyway. That is, by far, the worst one in town.
If you’ve wondered what is going on at the traffic circle north of town, wonder no more. An overpass is being constructed in the next few months and it will hopefully alleviate all of the accidents that happen at that roundabout. I can’t help but think that a stop light would’ve been much cheaper, but I’m not an engineer and I’m sure the city has a master plan I know nothing about (smiley face).
Still lots of events in the coming months and a few of note is Las Vegas Charity Night on July 5th. I attended last year and it was a lot of fun. Lots of people put on their finery and made a night of it. The proceeds from the Night go to DIF so get your tickets and go spend some money! Roger Clyne will be back in town from June 11th to the 14th and, along with the band, will have some other great musicians in attendance that weekend. Get your tickets in advance because they do sell out quickly. Like I said, lots more going on around town so be sure to check out the Events page and take a gander at our Facebook page as well. It’s also the first place you should look for great eats around town since Sandy eats out at least twice a day. Crazy! I’d like to give an honorable mention to the opening of SKY Bar and FISH Seafood Restaurant on top of the hill where the Lighthouse used to be. FISH has outstanding seafood dishes and SKY Bar is a great place to relax and enjoy live music including Piano Night on Thursdays. Both have the ultimate view overlooking the Sea of Cortez and the city.
Baseball season has started and you can catch a home game here at the stadium – a few pesos and a lot of fun. Check out this season’s schedule for our local team, the Tiburones de Puerto Peñasco on Facebook.
On a final note…
There are new rules on using drones here in Mexico. I’m stumped too, but if you are a drone owner you will want to check out the new rules, one of which is to only use it during the day (sunrise to sunset)….no kidding! Visit for more info.
Have a super fantastic Junio!