Over 20 years ago, after a 300 mile drive from north-central Arizona, I parked near the Viña del Mar on the Malecón, and stepped from the car. A long panoramic look at the Sea of Cortez, the fish markets, the palm trees along the sidewalk, the little stores selling souvenirs and a few genuine handcrafts, the few restaurants, bars and hotels…I was enchanted! It was love at first sight! I knew I would live here someday. After a long weekend in Paradise, I was sooo sorry when the time to depart came – we had eaten well, experienced warm Mexican hospitality, dipped in the Sea, shopped a bit, but I knew we had only scratched the surface, and there was so much left to see, do, and learn.
I was eventually able to buy a property and remodel my “cabin” into a home that was perfect for seaside weekends and vacations, but I was not satisfied – I wanted to live in Paradise. The opportunity to sell real estate presented itself, and I jumped at the chance to live and work in Rocky Point.
Thirteen years of living in Puerto Peñasco, visits to other cities in Mexico, plus two long road trips – one all the way to Cancun and back, the other with a Mexican family to the state of Jalisco – has slowed me down, helped me to appreciate the rich and varied culture of Mexico, and allowed me to make many friends, some of whom are “redirected northerners” like me, while others are Mexicans who patiently help me to learn their language and customs. I have fallen into what has turned out to be a long love affair with Mexico.
Our city has so much to offer, and we all have our favorite things to do, see, visit, eat. Over the years I have written about tourist spots, restaurants, stores, craftsmen, interesting people, and more that I enjoy, but I have only scratched the surface! I think I know Puerto Peñasco / Rocky Point well, then someone raves about a place of which I have never even heard! What is your favorite in our city? It could be a beach, an activity, a restaurant, a food, a store, a view, a character, a service, a doctor, a restaurant…please share! Email me at GretchenInMexico@gmail.com, and tell me your favorite and why you love it. I will try to “share the love” in future issues.