Feliz Julio Rocky Point…….Wow, what absolutely amazing weather we have been having! Although it is not “officially” summer as of this writing (yes sorry bosses, I am a tad tardy with the article…please don’t give me a whooping) it is mid-June and what????? It was only in the high 70s the past week and it was so beautiful……… I didn’t even have to get up from my lounge chair at the pool to get in the pool to cool off…….the nice breeze was just perfecto! Another WOW to all the musicians, bar and restaurant owners, servers, bartenders, cooks, security and anyone else at all that worked one of the venues of the Circus Mexicus weekend. I really had not seen EVERY bar in town be as full with lively patrons as this year. Maybe everyone is just wanting to travel these days, but we all have choices and man are they choosing Rocky Point for their destination! The talent of the musicians this year was even more impressive than ever. I seemed to be bop all around town to so many events……..thank you Scotty Pea and Cathy Pea for our rides (with those personalized license plates) around town to the music shows……so fun! And talking about sweet and fun, I am sure many of you know JD….Jozey Dickens and I recently sat down with her to allow all of us to get to know her better. Jozey is always a hoot so if you see her around town (see pictures)……. Introduce yourself to one of the sweetest gals in Rocky Point!
Marco: So, tell me Jozey….when did you start coming to Rocky Point?
Jozey (it’s really Josey but I gave her some Jerzey in her spelling): My Junior year of high school was my first time down with friends. We would come in a large group with tents and camp on the beach or even splurge and stay in one of the cheap hotels that were available at the time. And of course, once we became legal at 18, unlike America, we could go to bars in Mexico. Back then, there were few options and we seemed to always end up at JJ’s.
Marco: How fun! Did you come back often after that?
Jozey: Oh wow, yes! Our group of friends seemed to come every 3-day weekend throughout the year. Then later in life, I would come down a few times a year with my kids and family and bring our camper and toy hauler down and my kids loved it too!
Marco: Yes, I know the feeling…… I feel like Zack and Via grew up here over the years. I heard you purchased a condo in Rocky Point over the last couple years. What made you pull the trigger and purchase a new condo?
Jozey: Well, I have been coming to Rocky Point a lot more often over the past two years and I was thinking it may be time to really consider it. Plus, we had a persistent salesman in Tom Carr, and we eventually agreed. Ok, well the contract actually got drafted and I signed it already and then presented it to my partner while he was a bit loose at the bar at midnight.
Marco: Hmmmmm, sounds familiar……. What a guy! Yeah, Tomas really went the extra mile and delivered a fabulous product. What are your favorite restaurants or bars in town?
Jozey: Definitely Leo’s Bar for sure. The music, casual vibe and the employees especially Cynthia and Leo really create a relaxing atmosphere to chill and enjoy some time with your friends. Next, I would have to say Capone’s. Their food and the variety of the menu is so good! You can always count on bumping into 10 friends at Capone’s! I also really like the expansion and the music scene there. Next, I would say Diego’s Tiki Bar. They have the best views and cocktails, and it seems like it is another place where you will regularly see a group of your friends and people you know. They also have really good live music. Lastly, I really love Banditos. I always have a great time at Banditos and their music is good and you can always count on seeing so many friends and the staff is always so friendly….especially Jesus, who is always behind the main bar.
Marco: Jesus!!!! Or should I yell, HEY HEY HEY Zeus! He’s a great friend! What are some of your favorite things to do when you come to Rocky Point?
Jozey: Definitely driving…..ha just kidding! Relaxing by the pool, paddleboarding, going to hear live music and having drinks with friends are just some of things I find myself enjoying about Rocky Point.
Marco: Con seguridad! What did you like best about Circus Mexicus weekend this year (personally, I think it needs to be extended a few days………heck, let’s make it a week…….. there are just so many bars and awesome live performances that I know I am missing out on some of them when I am at another venue)?
Jozey: Definitely the variety of venues and music all around town. Everywhere you went, there was another spectacular performance by a musician. It was truly memorable!
Marco: Indeed, JD, indeed! FTB for sure! So, what do you like best about your new condo at Encantame Towers?
Jozey: Well, it is right on the beach with such amazing views! We also have so many fun neighbors in the complex and I look forward to Encantame Resorts as it grows and as the amenities grow around us like the bowling alley and the skytop restaurant bar and the rooftop pools!
Marco: Yes, that will be so cool to have a skytop restaurant right there in the resort! How about shopping……do you shop much in Rocky Point?
Jozey: Not too much…….. we did buy all of our furniture in Rocky Point which came out so beachy and cool. I also look for bracelets around town and on the beach, so I enjoy picking out a new bracelet here or there as well as other trinkets.
Marco: What would you tell someone looking to buy in Rocky Point?
Jozey: You won’t look back! You will be building memories of a lifetime and you can always count on meeting new friends from all over America and Mexico and beyond. You can look forward to so many amazing events throughout the year such as Country Bash, Circus Mexicus, Bike Week etc. and you will not have to worry about booking a place in time………you will have your own!
Marco: After purchasing numerous condos myself, I would totally agree! It’s always a blast going out to the cantinas and meeting new amigos! And yes, I love to be able to just come and go when I choose. If I want to stay longer, I do. There are no planes to catch, no time lines just fun times to be had.
As the Zac Brown Band sings, “Only Worry in the World is the Tide Gonna Reach My Chair”! So grab a chair, chill out on the beach here in Rocky Point and make sure to grab yourself a cold one………..after all, YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF!!!
