The Youth Sports Foundation (YSF) of Puerto Peñasco announces its 4th Annual Major League Coaches Clinic and the 2nd Annual YSF Golf Tournament. The event begins Jan. 25th, 2013 with the arrival of major league coaches, and concludes on Jan. 27th.

According to YSF Director Rick Busa, lasts year’s clinic and golf tournament was a huge success and January’s event is shaping up to be just as beneficial for Youth Sports programs of Puerto Peñasco. Individuals, businesses and organizations are encouraged to participate, and donations are always welcomed. All proceeds will allow the YSF to purchase sports equipment for the children of Peñasco.

For more information, contact Rick Busa at Or visit the Youth Sports Foundation of Puerto Peñasco Facebook page. “We truly appreciate everyone who has supported this event for 3 years. We fully intend to continue supporting the talented young athletes of Rocky Point!”

Program Schedule:

Jan. 25th:

6 p.m. at Duke’s: Press Conference with MLB Coaches and local media /Rueda de prensa con entrenadores y medios de comunicación

Jan. 26th

4th Annual Major League Coaches Clinic (location to be determined). There will be 2 sessions. First one starts at 9:00-11:30. Second session starts at 1:00-3:30 pm. Coaches will teach basic-to-advanced fundamentals of baseball.


2nd Annual YSF Golf Tournament/Torneo de Golf ($65usd Registration 8-8:30) Prizes for longest drive and closest to the pin.