My January 1 began with a long list of resolutions. Among them were my pledges to eat less, drink less and don’t get so excited about silly sporting events that I can’t control. All that wishful thinking went in the Dumpster before the first quarter of the Cowboys/Giants game was over. So, as February dawns, I have revised my resolution list to include one item: spend more time in Rocky Point. Like I told Marsha Beemish of Mesa, if you can’t be good, be happy.
MARSHA: Why should I go to Rocky Point, Cap’n Greg? Can’t I get just as silly where I live?
CAP’N GREG: Marsha, if getting silly is your primary objective, almost any place will do…although Mesa wouldn’t be on my top 10 list. I guess it’s a matter of degree. How silly do you want to get?
MARSHA: My friends say I’m a crazy woman when I party. Like, it’s my duty to shake my booty. They don’t call me Marsha Mellow for nothin’.
CAP’N GREG: Yow! It’s a shame we didn’t meet 30 years ago. But seriously, Marsha, Rocky Point has a lot more to offer than tequila and tacos. Simply walking the beach brings a lot of satisfaction. And at low tide there’s a surprise under every rock.
MARSHA: Oh, gross me so sick! I’m really not into creepy-crawly things. Other than dating older men once in a while.
CAP’N GREG: Hmmm. Maybe you’d enjoy half a day of fishing. Or a sightseeing excursion out to Bird Island. There’s nothing like having a pod of playful dolphins follow your boat.
MARSHA: I played with a couple Dolphins in Miami once. Real fumblers, if you know what I mean. It doesn’t surprise me a bit they were 6 and 10 last season.
CAP’N GREG: Ooooo-kay. Sunset cruises are popular, too. Marsha, I’ve been a lot of places in this world, and there’s nothing that quite compares to the emotional kick of a Rocky Point sunset.
MARSHA: Well, I’m not sure. It all sounds fun, but when I get to Rocky Point I may just stick with the basics.
CAP’N GREG: Tequila and tacos?
MARSHA: How could I go wrong?
CAP’N GREG: I don’t know, Marsha, but I’m sure you’ll find a way.