In Rocky Point last weekend, the weather turned a bit steamy as it always does in late July, and the breeze was anemic. But our beach front pool provided refreshment (and so did our air conditioning, and early morning deck perch!). Laguna Shores looked pretty busy with weekenders and summer vacationers, but less busy than 4th of July week. We stayed in this weekend and didn’t venture into town, except for Pemex gas on our way home (~$2.50/gallon). Sonoyta’s speed trap was in place when we entered the town, and someone was getting a ticket. Remember to slow down. Clear Sailing Through Lukeville Border
Clouds gathered towards Sonoyta as we drove home towards Phoenix through Lukeville. We encountered only a brief wait in crossing the border, with four lanes open, and the fifth used as a reverse lane for the US Border Patrol check on the other side incoming towards Mexico before hitting the Mexican checkpoint. We left Laguna Shores at 1PM, and it turns out to be good we did.
Running Washes and Rain Delay our Trip Home
Once in Southern Arizona, we crossed several running washes from recent rainfall. It started pouring rain at one point, and the heavy clouds and rain stayed with us until Ajo. Before we hit the town of Why, we experienced two waits for the washes to recede, or traffic to move forward, for two locations where the water ran too deep and wide to safely cross. Between the Lukeville border crossing and Ajo, we drove through no less than a dozen running washes.
Water wait time delayed our trip home by an extra two hours. But nature did provide us with a cool respite from our summer weather. Only in Arizona, will you see a picnic environment in the road when traffic is stopped and the water is running. We drove the 4×4 pickup this trip, so we rode higher than normal in my mini-SUV. But four wheels still float if the water’s running too high or swift. And so do people.
Two people were wading in one of the washes up to their waists—apparently sizing up the water … or seeking excitement. This is dangerous—if it’s too deep to drive through, it’s too risky to “walk” in. People drown by getting their feet pulled out from under them in fast moving currents underneath. If you encounter running washes, stay out of the water please. We don’t want to read about tragedy due to stupidity.
Bridge Detour in Sonoyta
Traffic also backs up on both sides, for the detour when you head through Sonoyta towards Rocky Point (and other destinations using the main highway running through town). A bridge is being reconstructed, and unfortunately it was recently taken out totally—this construction will last two years (?)—Mexican time and all that. Water wasn’t running over the roadway when we drove through the back streets detour, and we waited only in a short backup coming and going.
Laguna Shores Web Site & Resales
Wayne Corcoran is reselling for Laguna Shores in our neighborhood. Wayne is licensed in Rocky Point and listed on the Laguna Shores GCC web site. He also lives here! Register for newsletter and the site at You can also connect to Laguna Shores Resort on Facebook. Communication of the sort we want to hear—what’s going on in Laguna Shores –is still absent—this is a commercial site and Wayne’s maintaining it. Hopefully Wayne can help change that –and you can subscribe and share news too.