As we enter this new year, 2013, we head in to our 21st YEAR of publishing the ROCKY POINT TIMES NEWSPAPER. My, we have come a long way! If you had asked Sandy or me, way back then (as we were cutting and hot gluing the articles on the ‘flats’), if we thought that ‘someday’ our little paper would be ‘computerized’, have 56 pages of information, articles and ads, and we would have a bulk-mail permit to send it to subscribers living in just about every state in the USA, or that we would have a website where our published articles would be posted, or a Facebook Page which handles an average of 4,000 every week and has over 2,732 ‘Friends’…we probably would have just laughed and said, “What? Oh, no way!” Well, we would have been wrong. We thank our readers, and we thank our advertisers for helping us to bring this paper to you each month. We are looking forward to yet another year. Wow, it seems like only yesterday!
Ask anyone who lives or works here in Rocky Point, “What is the BEST thing about living here”, and you will get a multitude of answers. The answers will include everything from the sunsets, the ocean, the people, the culture, and too, the over all tranquility. It is early December and I am dressed in shorts and a T-shirt as I sit here writing this editorial for January 2013. Outside it is 77, clear and sunny. I can’t help but think of our children living in Nevada, Northern California and Wisconsin. Oh! To be young again and look forward to the icy roads, 4 feet of snow on the ground, and sub zero temperatures, etc. Then I come down to earth and face reality. I can always visit those places. I am very fortunate to live in Rocky Point, with its pretty much ideal weather.
Besides the many fun things to do in Rocky Point, such as fishing, clamming, shelling, water sports, shopping, and off roading just to name a few, there is one pastime that is a favorite of Sandy’s and that is eating out. Whether it’s at a taco cart, hot dog stand or one of our many great Rocky Point restaurants, Sandy doesn’t care, as long as it is “out”. Two new restaurants have opened recently. If you haven’t been down lately, you may not have visited them as yet. Regina Seafood Restaurant & Bar opened on the east side of town. Regina’s is on what everyone calls, “The big boulevard”, Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez. If you were coming into Rocky Point from the north you would make a left turn at the first traffic light, travel about a half mile and, on the left, you will see a huge two story palapa which is Regina’s. Actually Regina is not new to Rocky Point, it used to be in Old Port, where it was a mainstay for about nine years. They have just opened in their new location two months ago. They serve, breakfast, lunch and dinner. From 8am -11pm, closed Monday. There is a lot to choose from on the menu, including a wide variety of Mexican and seafood dished with house specialties and appetizers and one of the largest breakfast menus, I’ve seen in Rocky Point. All are reasonable priced. They don’t accept credit cards, but will in the near future. Upstairs is “El Rincon Pub”. The bar is open Wednesday thru Sunday from 8pm-3am Beer is 25 pesos and Wednesday is two for one on their chicken wings and hamburgers. I said earlier the restaurant menu is extensive, just wait till you see the bar menu. National and international regardless of your taste, if you can’t find it, at “El Rincon”, I don’t think you will in Rocky Point. Beside tequila, whiskey, vodka, brandy, “suave” (smooth), there are choices from England, Thailand, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Argentina, U.S.A., Mexico (Artesanales), and Denmark. For a unique experience, stop in say hello to the owner Regina, waiters Sayda and Alonso and Chef Jose Manuel. For reservations call (044-638) 119-1011 or (044-638) 638-1014.
If you drive west on Calle 13 and turn right at the last intersection by Sushi Sun and go down about 2 blocks on the right you will see Duke’s Restaurant & Bar. Duke’s is new to Rocky Point, but has been in business in Arizona for 14 years. When I first heard Duke’s was coming to Rocky Point, I thought, “That’s cool! I hope that it’s the same owner who has Duke’s in Scottsdale”. The reason being Sandy and I used to stay at the InnSuites on McDowell (which is now the Palms) and across the El Dorado Park is Duke’s, where we enjoyed many of their daily specials. So, I thought if this one is the same it will be a good addition to Rocky Point.
I met Duke (Mexico) owners Gabriel and Silvia and sure enough Gabriel is part owner Duke’s Scottsdale, and is looking to make this location as successful as Duke’s Scottsdale. They have a full bar open 7 days from 7am to 10pm, serving breakfast and lunch. Daily specials are; Monday-Hamburgers, Tuesdays-Rib-eye, Wednesday-salads, Thursdays-Bar-b-q-ribs, Friday-fish, Saturday-Prime rib, Sundays-Open menu. When Silvia and Gabriel finish, Duke’s could be one of the largest sports bar in Rocky Point with seating for over 200.
I was at Duke’s for the title fight between Marquez vs Pacquiao. There was a huge crowd and I spoke with several people who had nothing but good things to say about Duke’s food and low low prices. It’s football time (almost over) and if you want a friendly place to watch your favorite game, Duke’s is the place to go. For info about special parties call (044-638) 104-0338 or (044-638) 380-6650. (P.S. – For you old-timers, stop in say hello to Memo from the Dug Out)
Recently I was asked how to find out what’s playing at the Cinema, and why we didn’t print it in the RPTimes??
I really didn’t know, but Sandy did. She said we can’t print the schedule because we are a monthly publication, and the deadline is the 10th of each month, which is too early for the movies to be announced, and the schedule is subject to change, anyway. The best answer is to go to their website Where it says ‘elige ciudad’, pick Puerto Peñasco, then where it says ‘todos los complejos’, choose Peñasco. It will give you showings and times.
I was also asked if Mexico sells ‘low sulfer’ fuel for the diesel trucks, and the answer is, yes. It is identified as PEMEX Diesel bajo en azufre. Each month we show a graphic of the gas prices here in Rocky Point, just remember MAGNA is regular unleaded.
I am sorry to have to tell you that we lost a friend to many this last month. Michael Basta, or ‘Frenchie’ as he was known to everyone in Cholla Bay and around town, lost his life battle and, as he said, “Got on the bus.” We will certainly miss having him around and hearing his stories.
It’s not too late to give a gift of a RPTimes subscription. You can do it all year long by going to our website and clicking on Subscriptions to print out the form, or you can email us at and we will get a paper in the mail to you as fast as we can.
We hope everyone had a happy and safe New Years Eve. Rocky Point’s tourism is a long way from where we were before the economy crashed, but 2012 showed a surge and we all look forward to bigger and better times in the year to come. And, yes in case you thought that our paper feels just a bit heavier, we have added 8 pages to accommodate our advertisers and our wonderful contributing writers. May everyone enjoy health and happiness in 2013! Watch for Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers, coming this month!