In the March Editorial, I wrote about “Never a dull day in Paradise”, and the need for part time visitors to have a local inexpensive cell phone for use in case of an emergency. Then in last month’s Editorial I told you how we lost the grill off the Hummer while we were having a sunny breakfast at Balboa’s. Well, one day mid-April I had a rare day planned for myself. A day to catch up on my “Honey To Do List.” I had planned on servicing our solar system (we have no electric or water at the Ranchito), do some plating, yard work, etc. I had been outside working, when my neighbor Larry, yelled over the fence, “Tom, answer your da__n phone”. I had left my cell in the house on the charger. It turned out that my daughter, Lannette, was on her way from Rocky Point to Yuma, Arizona and her truck broke down about 10 or 15 miles south of El Golfo. She needed help so, after trying my phone with no success, she called the Rocky Point Times and the ‘real boss’ of the RPTimes Offices, Alicia, tracked me down thru my neighbor Larry. I called Lannette and told her I was on my way. Dirty work clothes and all. I couldn’t help but think, “Oh well, another day in Paradise, at least she had a cell phone”.
About an hour and a half later, I hooked up a tow strap to her truck and we headed back to her and Wayne’s home in Laguna Shores. A long time later, traveling at the break-neck speed of 45 miles per hour, and seeing buggies, cars and semi-trucks pass us going about 70 MPH, we finally pulled up to their house. It seemed like it took us 5 hours when it was actually about two and a half. I told Lannette, “I’m going to shower and change clothes, then you’re buying my dinner”. She agreed and we went to Mikky’s Beach Club Restaurant, which is located on the property of Laguna Shores Resort. It was a gorgeous and warm evening, sitting on Mikky’s patio by the pool with a spectacular sunset. Lannette had a shrimp plate and I had a shrimp linguini. The food was good, the service and presentation was excellent and the price was even better. Two dinners, two cocktails under $25dlls. During dinner, the general manager of Laguna Shores Michael Cline, stopped by to say hello. When we went to pay the bill, we were told, “It’s on Michael”. Thank you Michael, that treat was totally unexpected! Lannette, YOU still owe me a dinner. Just another day in Paradise.
Many times in the last five years, I have written about my friend and local dentist, Dr. Grijalva, and said that during some procedures, that I have almost fallen sleep. What I haven’t wrote about is our conversations about the game of golf. Thru the years I’ve bought some used clubs, putting green, wiffle balls, etc. for Dr. Grijalva, who had never held a golf club or been near a golf course. Many, many times I’ve left his office saying, “When are we going to play a round of 9 holes?” Over the Easter week, Semana Santa, we finally made it on to a golf course at Laguna del Mar. Dr. Grijalva, with his 12 year old son along for inspiration, Wayne Corcoran, and I started out. On the very first tee-box, between Wayne and I, we put 5 balls 30 feet in front of us in a sand trap. Dr. Grijalva was down the fairway. I should have known right away, it wasn’t my day. As Wayne and I approached the first green, coming out of yet another sand trap, we looked up and there was Dr. Grijalva driving his cart around the pin looking for his ball. We waved him off the green and explained that it was a no-no to drive a cart on the green. After 9 holes, with Wayne and I having one of those not-so-good-score-card- days, and Dr. Grijalva proving to be a natural on the course, we called it quits. All and all it was a great fun day and I am looking forward to another round. Thank you Wayne for all your golf tips and patience, from both of us, Dr. Grijalva and I.
Lots going on this month. May starts out with May 1st being our Dia de Trabajo (Labor Day), a national holiday with many businesses closed (Our offices included). The events begin with Cinco de Mayo weekend and the RPTimes 34th El Golfo Run, probably the largest group we have ever hosted. Same weekend is our 2nd Annual Tequila Fest & Mariachi Festival, a Garage Sale at JJ’s Cantina to support The Santa Claus Club, Rocky Point Riders Bikers Fest, the Annual Fundraiser to support Puerto Peñasco Vida Joven (Young Life) at Plaza del Camaron (Shrimp Plaza), and the actual Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) which is not a National Holiday, but many will celebrate. Mexico Mother’s Day is always May 10th and this year, two days later, is USA Mother’s Day on May 12th. Every year when the days fall on different dates, Sandy always celebrates BOTH days. Check the ads in this month’s paper for special meals, coupons, and deals for Mother’s Day. Mark your calendars for May 15-19 to be at the Mayan Resort for the Annual Uniting Nations Cup with golfers from Mexico and the USA vying for top honors. The 1st Annual Tequila 125 Off-Road Desert Race will be Saturday the 18th, with the awards given out that afternoon at JJ’s Cantina in Cholla Bay, and finally the event that everyone is waiting for…The 2nd Annual Las Vegas Charity Night Sponsored by Sonoran Resorts to support DIF, will be Saturday May 25th. Check this month’s RPTimes for all the information about these big events. Also, Sandy posts all the events (that we know about) on our Rocky Point Times Newspaper Facebook Page, and she says, “Thank You!”, to the almost 3,200 readers who have liked our page just in the last two years (since she figured out how to run it). It’s a big month in Rocky Point, with many events and beautiful weather, so ‘COME ON DOWN’. Memorial Weekend is always a time which draws crowds to our beaches, so be careful, have fun, and be safe! JUST ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE!