After last month’s Editorial, I am sure you will be pleased to see that this one is short and sweet. I am writing from my brother’s porch in Wisconsin which looks over a pond, green fields, deer and lots and lots of frogs which pleases Mom to no end. My niece is about to take us marathon shopping so I need to get this done so the paper can go off to the printer and I can enjoy the rest of my vacation. But it is with a heavy heart that I remember at this time last year my Dad was reporting from “sick bay” and September was to be his last Editorial. Hard to believe it has already been a year. You all have been so very kind and so supportive of the Rocky Point Times and our family and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Well, here it is the next day and I need to finish up since we are off to eat more fried cheese curds, drink more wine, move my niece into her college apartment, take in a Packers game at Lambo Field, and hit the state fair…this vacationing is exhausting! So here we go…short and sweet.
As many of you may have already read, “our” turtle eggs did not hatch. Rocky Point’s weather was apparently too hot and I read that less than half of her eggs were fertilized so it doesn’t seem as it was meant to be. Sad for mama turtle, but a brief bit of happiness for Rocky Point, thinking that we would see baby turtles heading for the Sea. Hopefully she will find her proper nesting spot next year.
Boomerfest Days (BFD) seems to be ramping up with radio and television spots in Arizona, print ads and updates to their website at The 4-day festival, which beings on October 8th is looking to be quite the event with music, food, golf and all kinds of activities and booths as well as “glamping”. You can check their website for lodging, festival tickets, glamping and RV spots and to see what bands have been signed. So far I see Christopher Cross, Styx, Canned Heat, Roger Clyne and The Peacemakers, Jefferson Starship, Steve McCarty and a few others and they are continuing to sign more bands. This will be one heck of an undertaking so I do hope it all comes together as it will be great for the town. All this information is in their full page ad in this issue.
Rocky Point’s first wind generator is nearing completion with the arrival of the base and blades in early August. It is being erected next to the Pemex/QuikStop at the roundabout at the Coastal Highway extension and Samuel Ocaña. The power from our first generator (of the three scheduled) will be going to a city south, maybe Guaymas (or so I hear). I imagine if this one is a success we can expect to see many more pop up.
So, many of you thought I was on a bitch-fest in the last Editorial – it’s okay, I can handle it – and I feel much better for having spewed. And while I think I’ve exhausted my complaining rights I do need to tell you to beware of wrong-way drivers coming out of Rodeo Drive and the Old Port. If you see someone going the wrong way, please try to point them in the right direction.
Besides Labor Day Weekend, September is a month where we merely try to survive the humidity and eagerly look forward to October events and the dissipation of the humidity. That’s not to say that things aren’t happening in September so be sure to check the events section of this edition and also our Facebook page. October, as mentioned above, Boomerfest Days Festival will be at the beginning of the month and October 24th will mark our 37th Bi-Annual El Golfo Run. For those of you who would like to join us on this 2-night, 3-day fun 4×4 event you can email our office at or call Alicia or Sandy (011-52-638) 383-6325 or (480) 463-6255to make a reservation and get more information. You really don’t need a 4×4 anymore, as a few people opt to take the Coastal Highway there and back, though playing around on the beach makes the trip all the more fun and downright exciting sometimes.
November 6th to the 9th will be the 14th Annual Rocky Point Bike Rally. Wow, hard to believe the very popular and fun motorcycle rally started 14 years ago. Bikers from all over U.S., Canada and Mexico come to the 3-day event to show off their bikes, have fun, meet friends and the entire event raises money for charity. It is over the Veteran’s Day holiday weekend so if you have not yet made reservations you had better get on it! Even if you don’t own and ride, you are more than welcome to come down, spectate and enjoy the events.
I do apologize for this very short and not-so-terribly-interesting Editorial, but you all deserve a break after last month, and I need to go find my cheese head for the big game.
Oh, a final item – Sandy has been trying to squeeze in directions to the office and report on road construction goings-on for months now so I’ll say to check our Facebook page for construction updates, call or email the office and we will be happy to let you know the latest. The offices of the Rocky Point Times are very easy to find now with the fairly-new OXXO convenience store on the corner. If you are heading towards the Sea, on Calle 13 (where the big Marlin statue is in the center island) toward Hotel Peñasco del Sol, you will make a left-hand turn right before the (second) OXXO store and we will be the first set of buildings on your right – tucked behind a wall. You can park up on the street alongside the wall or pull down into our lot under the tall palms.
We wish you a safe and fun Labor Day Weekend.