Two great things about September in Rocky Point, sorry, make that four things: It’s about 25° cooler at the beach; Labor Day; El Grito; and October is only a month away. I know it’s humid in Rocky Point during September, but when it’s 115° in Phoenix and around 90° in Peñasco, I’ll take Peñasco and the beach any day! But it’s so humid there and Phoenix is a “dry heat” – I know, I used to say that myself. Truth is – it’s just a dry blast furnace. And I know most of you are agreeing with me this summer because the lines at the border are getting longer and longer any day of the week, which is great for Rocky Point. Just make sure you have plenty of water, are courteous to your fellow driver and leave space at intersections so people who live in Sonoyta can get across traffic. And be thankful the Sea of Cortez is so close!
Labor Day is upon us so the town will be packed. We want everyone to have a fun and safe holiday so wear

your helmets, don’t drive crazy, obey the laws, enjoy all that Rocky Point has to offer and have a great time. While you’re here over Labor Day Weekend, on Saturday and Sunday, from 9AM to 5PM, Encantame Towers is having a Taste and Tour Event at their Sales Office at the Glorieta on the main road to Sandy Beach (right behind the resorts). Free wine, tequila and music. Did someone say free wine? I’ll be there at 9AM! Stop by and take a tour of the model – it is gorgeous.
Don’t forget that shrimping season starts up again this month – you’ll see the boats head out around mid-month. Woohoo!!

Do you shop on Amazon a lot like I do? Did you know that if you sign in through Amazon Smile that you get the same merchandise, but a portion of your purchases go to a charity of your choice? I’ve been doing it for about a month now and haven’t found any price difference or merchandise that hasn’t been available. I mention this because our local animal haven, Barb’s Dog Rescue is one of those charities that you can choose. Barb and her team do such a fantastic job at rescuing dogs and nursing them back to health or just caring for them and housing them until they can find a forever home. Barb’s is a no-kill shelter so I urge you to choose Barb’s Dog Rescue as your Amazon Smile charity. What a great way to shop…and give back!
Big celebration this month on the 15th – El Grito! The night before Dia de la Independencia the downtown area comes alive with music, food, people – it’s a giant party down on Fremont and Benito Juarez by City Hall. If you have never joined in on the festivities, you should really go this year. A special event this year will see Anthony “El Bombon” Chavez fighting at City Hall so come out and cheer him on. Get there early because the streets are going to be filled to capacity no doubt.
Rocky Point now has a professional basketball team called “Los Capitanes de Puerto Peñasco” with national and foreign players. The league starts this month and you can see them play at the City Municipal Gym on Blvd. Benito Juarez. Check out our Facebook Page for more info. Maybe we can get Mario to add a Sports Section this coming year and give us all the costs and schedules for all of our sports teams!
f you haven’t made your reservations for the 19th Annual Rocky Point Motorcycle Rally, you had better get on it! Wow, the 19th one!? Hard to believe. We’re so fortunate to have this great event every year that draws thousands and thousands of bikers and fantastic people. Lots of entertainment and stuff to do during the Rally which is November 7th through November 12th so hurry up and book your reservation. You can look them up on Facebook or go to rockypointrally.com to get all of the details.
Coming up on December 7th will be the first of six 11-day cruises aboard the Astoria and I can’t wait! If you haven’t booked your cabin, and want to be on the first cruise, you had better do it muy pronto as I think it is almost sold out. If it is, you can pick on of the other 5 cruises. The Astoria has a very interesting history and is absolutely gorgeous and I really like the fact that it is a smaller ship – I think it will be a very fun and intimate cruising experience. Look for an article next month about the exciting things you can do in all of the ports we’re going to stop at, up and down the Sea of Cortez and get a look inside the ship. For those of you wondering, no, our port will not be finished, but that will not prevent us from boarding the ship and having an awesome time. Check out the Astoria at us.cruiseandmaritime.com.
On a final note, the road repairs on the Caborca Highway have begun so that will be a safer road now, thank goodness. Let’s now push for the Coastal Highway to be repaired and for our town and highway roads to be maintained throughout the year – proper maintenance makes the roads safer for ALL of us.
Have a fantastic Labor Day…come down to Rocky Point…you deserve it!!