Puerto Peñasco is so close to perfection the air is just a-buzzin with anticipation. Everyone absolutely loves our city when October arrives because summer is technically still here, but the humidity is lower, the air temperature back to normal, and the water temp is still wonderfully warm. We always get a little tease, where the nights and mornings turn wonderful, and that makes us think the time has come, but after a few days we realize we still have some time to wait it out. Optimists are predicting that the weather will “officially break” in early October and I have to say I’m onboard with them this year. I’ve had a heck of a summer and am more than ready to play tourist…I plan on catching up on all the places I haven’t eaten, visiting the new cantinas and spending a lot of time out on the water and enjoy the beautiful Sea of Cortez. I’m excited to get my paddleboard back into the water and I definitely plan on visiting Bird Island to paddle, kayak, and try out my GoPro while I snorkel with the sea lions since I did not make it this summer. That’s a real shame when it is right there in your backyard! I need to do better and plan on it so look for my terrible videos this coming year haha.
These next few months are so packed with events that it will be hard to keep up! A must-attend is the Peñasco Rotary Clubs’s Annual Polio Fundraising Dinner – always a lot of fun and for a great cause. And the Mermaid’s Market is starting up again this month. Mark Mulligan will be in town, the Hobie Cat Piñata Regatta and the Peñascazo Dunas Fest are all happening this month as well as a ton of other events. Check our Events Page, our Facebook Page as well as our website and if you don’t use any of those call us or email us and we’ll be happy to give you a run down. Next month we have festivities down on Rodeo Drive for Dia de Los Muertos, and the Charanga Derby in El Mirador (SO fun!), our Annual Motorcycle Rally as well as a very busy Thanksgiving Weekend so, Puerto Peñasco will be packed, and traffic will be heavy which leads me to a few reminders…Forget the hassle of driving and waiting in line leaving on busy weekends and take Head Out to Rocky Point Shuttle. Lynelle and her drivers are awesome and a wealth of information. I’ve actually ridden with Lynelle multiple times over the years and always learn something new. If you choose to drive, our border does close at 8PM (except the Friday of Veteran’s Day Weekend) and YES! you do need Mexican vehicle insurance – liability at a minimum. Your standard U.S. insurance that you currently carry on your vehicle will NOT be recognized in Mexico so stop in Ajo at Sanborn’s Insurance or in Why at the WhyNot Travel Store and get covered! Mexico is a different country with its own laws, so please “know before you go”…Muy Importante!! Lastly, there has been movement over the summer to widen the roadway leading to the U.S. border through Sonoyta (after you cross Hwy. 2). It looks like a couple outgoing lanes are going to be added – hopefully soon, but as of this writing there have been no mods started on the Sonoyta Port of Entry and Aduana, but these improvements will definitely help the flow of traffic and are in the “plan”.
I see Manny, Sr. – the Manny we all know and love (we love Manny, Jr. too!) has reopened the Copacabana Restaurant on the corner of Calle 12 and Benito Juarez (above the Tequila Factory). I’m very excited to see what he’s done with the place. I loved going there – back in the day – with my parents when it gave off a very old-skool Hollywood/Rat Pack vibe with décor and service. Ah, good times. And keeping with the theme of eats…one of my all-time favorite restaurants celebrates their anniversary this month – their 42nd I think – La Curva! Probably one of the first restaurants I ever visited in Peñasco back in the early 90s, when I started visiting, and one I still frequent today…I could eat their Chile Colorado Chimichanga every single day!! Although their location has changed throughout the years, their food has remained the same – outstanding and authentic – and their service always awesome.
October is a great time to visit Puerto Peñasco with your family and friends or to introduce new friends to our beautiful city. If you ever, ever, ever have a question about the laws of the country or what you need and don’t need, please feel free to contact us via phone, email or social media. I see so much wrong (and ignorant) information on social media it scares me. If you’ve never visited a foreign country or travelled, please do your research and reach out…we are always here to guide you to have an awesome experience in Puerto Peñasco! If you would like to introduce a special person to our little piece of paradise, we’ll be happy to send them a complimentary copy of the Rocky Point Times Newspaper. Just send us their name and address and we’ll take care of the rest.
See you all at the beach!