In February twenty-two candidates for real estate licensure in the State of Sonora spent 3 full days each week of the month in classes collectively known as the “Real Estate Diplomado.” Attending the 96-hour Diplomado is required prior to application for real estate licenses issued by the State of Sonora
Regardless of whether or not they are AMPI members, virtually every person in our state who engages in any sort of property transaction for a consideration, including sales and rental agents, promoters of properties and property managers, is required to have a real estate license issued by the State of Sonora. The diplomado was available to AMPI members as well as to non-members. In the interest of elevating real estate practices and establishing protocols, AMPI welcomed real estate licensure to the State of Sonora, which was the first state in the Republic of Mexico to require real estate licenses. AMPI works closely with the State of Sonora to provide education in preparation for real estate licensure and renewal of existing licenses.
The diplomado in Puerto Peñasco was organized by AMPI Vice President of Education, Gretchen Ellinger, and the newly-formed education committee consisting of AMPI members Maria Ituarte, Randy Figueroa and Todd Lyons. Instructors and students attending the course spoke English or Spanish, and this year’s class was unusual in that the majority of the students were bilingual. Classes were taught in the language in which individual instructors were most comfortable, and certified simultaneous translation was provided. Currently licensed real estate professionals were encouraged to attend classes as well, and were able to obtain credit toward license renewal for classes completed.
AMPI extends gratitude without measure to the instructors who donated their time and considerable expertise to the success of the real estate diplomado. Special thanks go to Notario #76 Chastre Alexandra Encinas Leyva, Lic. Ricardo Borquez Ruíz, Lic. Suzeth Quintana, owner of SQ Advisors, and Lic. Alejandra Valenzuela, all of whom taught the varioius classes requiring legal expertise; to appraiser Ing. Lilian Jauregui; Architect; Fausto Cesar Soto Lizarraga, Director of Urban Development for the City of Puerto Peñasco; Lic. Marisela Luna Domínguez, Certified Public Accountant, owner of de LD Accounting Services: Steve Schwab, Owner Seaside Rentals; Yenni Montenegro from Sun Valley Immigration & Business Services; and to realtors Rommel Bustamante, President of AMPI Chapter 51 Puerto Peñasco, Gretchen Ellinger, Glen Martinez, Richard Savino, and Kyle Woods.
A very special thanks to Luisa Federico, AMPI’s new administrator, who attended every class, saw that there was fruit and pastries every morning, ran for copies and other last-minute necessities, managed administrative details on behalf of the students, and made the class operate smoothly and seamlessly on a daily basis. Not an easy job, and Luisa made this the best diplomado ever – thank you!
Congratulations to students who received real estate diplomas, and are now eligible to apply for real estate licenses from the State of Sonora! They include Jesus Bejarano, Andrew Bell, Antonio Carlos, Marcel Fernandez, David Foley, Marc Gaylean, Jessica Grier, Christine Gronau, David Hagen, Judy MacKenzie, Karen Marquez, Abraham Montes, Kris Nichols, Douglas Oberg, Kristian Osuna, Luis Palomo, Lea Parris, Kumar Persad, Fernando Ramirez, Jose Maria Rodriguez, Vicenta Rodriguez, Nathan Woodland. Congratulate them when you see them!
Like a boss.