“Help Us Help Them”
Great news on facility development! We are making good progress developing our expanded dog rescue facility. Thanks to some concerned and generous dog lovers, we have been able to purchase and have installed over 400 feet of good 8 ft. tall chain link fencing, enough to fence in the basic facility. We have lots of space for the facility and now have a master development plan.
The newly fenced area will surround the existing building and be subdivided into several large living areas. In keeping with our basic philosophy, dogs will live in large open yards with shelters where they will be safe and can run and play. Crates for transport only and kennel runs only for medical reasons. We will now be able to isolate new rescues from the general population to prevent the spread of contagious diseases and provide several segregated living areas. New dogs in isolation will have a health exam and whatever treatment required (and they ALL require treatment!) before being introduced to the general population. The new multiple areas will permit us to classify each dog and introduce it to a compatible living group. All dogs don’t get along with each other!!
The Parvo epidemic seems to have abated and, thanks to a donation from another generous friend, we are vaccinating as many dogs as possible. The City vaccinates for Rabies but not Parvo, so it hits the homeless dogs very hard.
Needless to say we are very excited that we are making progress toward providing better care for the many sick and malnourished homeless and abandoned dogs that come to us almost every day. Virtually every dog that comes to Barb’s Dog Rescue requires veterinary care, some more serious than others. Our vet bills have amounted to thousands of dollars over the past year and with the new expanded facility, those expenses are sure to grow. You don’t have to look far to see the heart breaking need in Puerto Peñasco.
These Mexican dogs make the most amazing and loyal family pets. Not only do you have the gratification of knowing your care and concern gives them a life, you will soon realize that you have a new loving family member. Adoptive families of our rescues have shared incredible and heartwarming stories about their pets and most would never consider any other dog as a family member.
If you are a person who believes, as we do, that these homeless and unwanted dogs deserve better, please help them. We are in constant need of the basics; food, vitamins, collars, leashes, veterinary medicines and of course money. You can be assured that every donation will be used for these dogs.
We are also having a special fund drive to enable us to move ahead with facility development. Next we will be running water lines to the new areas, installing a new larger water tank and a water pump, plus upgrading the electrical system. Shelters and shade need to be installed for protection from the summer sun.
Please stop by and visit Barb’s Dog Rescue, say hello to the dogs and see the progress of our new facility. We are open to visitors almost every day from 9AM to 7PM. As you enter Peñasco from Sonoyta, about 8 miles north of town, you can see two signs, one on each side of the highway marking the road to the rescue: DOG RESCUE, Need Food and Barb’s Dog Rescue.
You can also drop off your donation at Twin Dolphins Real Estate office on Blvd. Fremont, next to the Cruz Roja (Red Cross). Please call with questions or to arrange a visit. Call Barb at local cellulars (044-638) 114-1659 or Dee at (044-638) 384-0113. When calling from the States, you can call Twin Dolphins office at (602) 324-7241.