Hello my name is Monica, I have been living in Rocky Point for the last 6 months and I really enjoy it. I also enjoy every month the new issue of The Rocky Point Times. I noticed in this last issue an article titled “What happened to Montezuma” by Rosarie Salerno. Even though the article is pretty good the name of the Emperor of Tenochtitlan is not MoNtezuma, it’s MoCtezuma, with a C. I believe there is a character in US history with the other name and maybe that is the reason for the mistake. I am Mexican, my native language is Spanish, it is not my intention to be rude, but I assume Americans want their history written correctly, so do I. As a suggestion, maybe articles concerning Mexican History should be written by Mexicans and then translated to English, or written in English by a Mexican. I hope there is a notice with the proper correction in the next issue.
Thank you
Monica Flores
The reader is correct the Mexican name is Moctezuma but if you check Wikipedia you will see several different versions of the spelling. Actually, the Moctezuma I have been writing about is Moctezuma II. The latest article I sent about Chocolate I did use the Mexican version. Reason I chose the Montezuma version is because I write articles for Americans not Mexicans. Most Americans do not have any idea of the history of Mexico. Most Americans know the king as Montezuma. I changed the spelling hoping to educate the Americans as to the other spelling. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montezuma. I research my articles completely after all, your and my good names are attached to the articles. Thanks for letting me know.
Thank you,
Hi Tom and Sandy. Last time we were in RP, we saw that Sam’s Club had already opened. That was fast! Here is my question: Must one join it as we do in the US; if so, how much is the fee? Is it annual, etc. We will be coming back to RP in another month and would like to see what it is like. We do like Bodega Aurerra but are anxious to see what Sam’s is like. Also, we mailed a check for renewal of Rocky Point Times and are looking forward to receiving it again. We have missed it. We were surprised you had no record of us; wonder how that happened.
Dick and Mitzi Newman
Bella Sirena Owners
Hola, sorry about your subscription being lost. We’ve evidently had a huge computer glitch, losing a ton of data. As for Sam’s Club, we can use our USA Sam’s Club Card. Our office gals signed up before the opening, and I believe it was two for $400.00mn. I seem to think it is about equal to signing up in the States? Yes, annual, same.
I REALLY miss the food of Rocky Point. Thanks for the reminder!
Mark Kuykendall
Just so you know, the one inch thick rib-eye’s from San Jose de Gracia meat market were wonderful!! But, you already knew that, didn’t you. SandyO
From Robert Chester, concerning finishing the Church in Cholla. I think it would be great to see a pretty little church as you come into Cholla. I think it would be an asset to the community. Would you mind sending out an update on the Church, as it is summer and so hot that we will need to continue this project next fall? We have collected very little money, if you want to give there is a collection bottle at JJ’s Cantina. We now have a 4 ton, 3 phase air conditioning unit for the church. In the fall we may have access to roof tiles to complete the roof. I have been told we have all the windows for the building. I have been told that we have the doors. We have someone that is willing to take care of the painting of the building. I have spoken with Gabi and he will draw up some plans for two restrooms to be placed outside the back door of the church. We have a lot of help to perform the work, but if someone would like to help out, we will never turn anyone away. If there is anything that anyone can think of that would help us get this church completed, please let us know. Hope to hear from you this fall, please feel free to contact us anytime.
Best Regards,
Robert L. Chester
Can you get a subscription to the newspaper sent to the states?
Kathy Flick
Yes! It’s Easy! Call Alicia @ (480) 463-6255 OR (011-52-638) 383-6325, OR Email us rockypointtimes@yahoo.com , OR go to our Website www.rptimes.com and click on ‘Subscription’ to print the form. Thanks for asking!
Please send a 1year subscription renewal. Thank you.
M. Worrell
Henderson, NV
We have been travelling to Puerto Peñasco from Southern California for a few years now, and seemed to have tried most of the routes. They all have advantages & disadvantages. One that I haven’t tried, and it looks like the most direct, is as follows: cross at Mexicali and take Hwy#5 in the direction of San Felipe (we use this when we go to San Felipe, so I know its OK) after about 30 miles turn east on Hwy #4 (I doubt that its signed as Hwy #4) go about 15 miles then take a short jog left, also eastwards, on what the map says is Hwy 40 to meet up with the Hwy3 going south to El Golfo de Santa Clara. Has anyone else used this direct route, and if not why not ?” on Rocky Point’s timeline.
Robert John Lewis
Yes, many are using the Coastal Highway (#3) since it’s completion. Much faster for you!!
This is Win! Win! Win! Thanks you Sandra, JGatthesea Peñasco and Rocky Point Times for your Support of Los Rolling Rockies.
Rolling Rockies Wheelchair Basketball Team
Of course, always!
Thank You Sandy, love your newspaper and love Rocky Point.
Barry Ragsdale
Rocky Point has the best beaches for our dogs!!!!
Kay Shafer
FREE INTERNET ACCESS IN OLD PORT. Email good, yes, Rocky Point Times. I haven’t tried Mare Blu or the Point. The park by the statue and Thunder on the Beach is all I’ve used.
Ardi Harris
The City tells us that we have (or will soon) the internet access in the Port AND The Shrimp Plaza, AND Plaza a La Madre.
Aahhhh! I can’t wait! Oh gosh! I just need to get down there!!! Looks like a breath of fresh air! Soon, very soon!
Laura Galindo
Also would like to know when and what movies are in English. Are there certain times or a certain theater? My Spanish is not good enough to understand a movie.
Nancy Ayers McAlister
We will check again, but the schedule doesn’t seem to always mesh. You can try www.citicinemas.com Where it says “elige ciudad”, choose Puerto Peñasco, and where it says “todos los complejos”, choose Peñasco. It will give you showing day and times.
My husband’s family has been going down to RP since the late 40″s, I have been going down since 1973. Our grandchildren are the 5th generation enjoying themselves on the beaches of Mexico. We have a beautiful house in Cholla Bay that sits on the piece of property that was acquired by my husband’s grandfather in 1965! The trailer was removed about 16 years ago & the house was built about 5 years ago. We love the place!!!
Deb Johnson