Question for ya, is there a place in R. P. that has RV parts to fix say a broken water line or get a water pump or help with some other unforeseen breakdown of a travel trailer or fifth wheel. Thanks for the help.
David Luna
Try the hardware store next to Irma’s cakes. Main Blvd. Benito Juarez to crossover street (Calle 13), turn east, and next right. Fereteria Peñasco will be on your left. Also try Arizona Automotive off main Blvd north of Santa Fe Market, turn left dirt road, and AZ Automotive will be on your right.
I miss El Golfo. Best beaches ever. We had a special camp area that took hours to reach, far away from where others dared to venture. Foot high mounds of shells, clam digging, and flounder. My Dad pulled many people’s autos from the bog just before they were engulfed in sea water.
Shanon Easterday
It’s probably still exactly the same as you remember!
The intersection of Jose Alcantara and 1 de Junio, one block back from The Point restaurant at the fish market. That is the new location of Tacos El Chino.
El Chino
Write this down, and check it out in Old Port.
I was disappointed…we were there from the 15th to the 20th and needed some border info. We stopped by your place three times but it was locked up during the daytime each visit. We’re looking forward to meeting you. Got it figured out though. One thing I was disappointed in though was the lack of your paper everywhere we stopped. Nowhere in RP. In Ajo the nice guy in the insurance office said he hadn’t had any papers in months.
Tracy Paul Gruber
TRACY, THE ‘NICE GUY’ IN AJO, WON’T EVEN PURCHASE A $15USD AD TO LET PEOPLE KNOW HE SELLS MEXICO INSURANCE, AND SUPPORT OUR PAPER…BUT THE OTHER NICE PEOPLE IN AJO ALL GET PAPERS. La Siesta Motel, Marine Motel, NAPA, Kords Auto, Chevron, Sanborns Ins, Olsen’s, Bamboo Village, VFW/American Legion Post, Marcela’s Radio Shack, Texaco, Chamber of Commerce, Si Como No, Oasis Cafe, Repeat Performance, Art Gallery, 100 Estrella, etc…even the girls @ the bank, sometimes (Oh, and Eric) lol, and, when I remember…the gals @ the Post Office.
Good morning Sandra! I have a question…”The Connenction” do they still meet every Thursday? We sure enjoyed the company while we visit there, but now we don’t know where to find the group. We’re still in our home in Arizona, but we sure like to find that group again, we’re planning on going back first of June…hope I can meet you then!
Amalia Mendoza Cueto
Yes, they meet @ The Lighthouse, on top of the hill. We always give them space for their information, which you will find in this month’s paper on page 52.
I am coming to RP tomorrow and would like to see what the RP newspaper t shirts look like that you are selling for 10 dollars- can you send me a pic or good directions- I so don’t know the area and I don’t know the street names either- LOL I just know where I’m going and how to get there but not street names- would also like to check out the casino with the Taco Tuesday and need detailed directions! Thank you and see you soon!
Cindy Leonhardt
We have ALL THE ANSWERS at our offices, off the main Blvd Benito Juarez, turn west towards the Sea @ Calle 13 (where the walk-overpass is). Go to the second OXXO (it is on your left), turn left, go past the wall and turn right down into our parking area. Park under the tall palms. We are the right hand glass door…open 9-5 M-F.
Hey everyone, I have a friend who said he can drive from Chandler AZ to Rocky Point, in just under 3 hrs, has anyone done this? Let me know please.
Robert Dock
The speed limit on Hwy 8 in Mexico, coming to Rocky Point, is 90km per hour…your ‘friend’ must think it’s 90miles per hour! STUPID? DANGEROUS? YES!
We are planning on going to Rocky Point this weekend. We are thinking of leaving Phoenix around 7pm. Any advised on night travel?
Josefina Counts
Yes, absolutely! Be extremely alert on the road south, NOT because the road is bad…THE ROAD IS EXCELLENT! BUT, you must watch for animals on the road, as there is no fencing in many areas. My daughter, Lannette, almost hit a black steer as she came around a curve on the Hwy. (That taught her a lesson).ALSO follow the SPEED LIMIT (55MPH on the majority) because we have also run up on vehicles driving with no lights, or cars/trucks which have broken down on the Hwy. Going the 55-60MPH, and good headlights will make the drive less stressful. AND, you do know that there is a Military Checkpoint just north of the Laguna del Mar Hwy., so you will see signs and warning fires/lights as you approach.
Almost a year…news on the Aquarium CetMar that was to reopen last August? My insider source said last year it closed (not for remodeling), and wasn’t going to reopen, so I’m wondering how forth coming they were with Rocky Point Times last year.
Brenda Rapp Sabo
We check with them each month…same story. We have no idea.
I just got a passport card. Is that all we need to travel to Rocky Point through Sonoyta? Can we take day trips outside of Rocky Point or are we limited to how far we can travel with the card? Just trying to figure out if I should bring my passport too. Kind of defeats the purpose! TY
Deanna Luna
Passports/Passport Cards are required for re-entry into the USA. Visiting us here in Rocky Point for over 72 hours requires a VISA, which you obtain @ the border upon entry into Mexico.
I’m asking about sandy beach hotels. I met a guy with a rubber wrist band he bought; we were able to access all pools and bars with it.
Beau Bicknese
NO, SORRY. Wrong information from the guy you met. The resorts DO give out wristbands TO OWNERS AND RENTERS.
RPTN – the Mango vendors are almost always near Princesa…Of course, that is until you want one and they’ve moved down the beach. Can’t wait to be down later this week with friends, celebrating my 50th BDay!
Michael Banner
Tom pulled over for me to get a MANGO last Saturday around the corner by our office. He was heading towards Playa Bonita on the dirt road between Sushi Sun and Greek Gyros. Oh YUMMY! Lime juice and Mango juice mixed with chile sprinkles, just running through my fingers!
I am at playa Playa Bonita RV campground on beach front. Several sun glass vendors walked by. I said to my hubby…”just how many sun glasses can you buy”. I guess it’s about choices.
Linda White
One pair for every outfit?
Hello, we ate coming down on May 28 for a week. I’ve been searching for a schedule for the Tiburones baseball team and haven’t had any luck. Do you have any info on when they play or a link to a schedule? Any help is appreciated. Thanks and we’ll see you soon.
Scott Skaggs
They play at 7PM during the week (no games on Mondays) and 6PM on Sundays; you can go to…for the whole game schedule.
Sorry to let you know I won’t be able to come along on the trip to El Golfo this weekend. The person who was coming with me had to return to AZ for health reasons, and will not be back in time or feeling well enough to make the trip with me. Can’t find anyone else this late in time to come along, so will have to postpone until next fall or the following spring? So we will not be needing any hotel/motel rooms! (I so wanted to make this trip, but there will be another chance). Thanks for your help.
Paula Buttars
Hola! Hope all is well with your friend’s health. WE HAD A GREAT TRIP!! Still don’t have a final count, but lots of nice people!! The Sportsman’s Club of Gila Bend and Buckeye donated $500USD to our Cruz Roja and we gathered many firefighters jackets donated from the District Chief of the Buckeye Fire Department, Scott Shannon Benbow, and delivered them to our Puerto Peñasco Bomberos yesterday!!! Hope you can make the next trip!
Reggies just reopened and they are serving very stale donuts. If that is their best foot forward they should have stayed closed.
Joe Aken
Yes, Reggies 8/12 is open. New owners, different venue. One report said donuts not good. Others said delicious burritos, as before, and fresh good donuts! You readers have to check for yourselves and report back. Yes?
Where would we get an inexpensive cell phone for Mex. use?
Madeline Hill Kasian
Go to the Telcel office on the east side of the main Blvd Benito Juarez, south of the RRX. There are always deals being offered, or any Oxxo market, they start from $200 pesos.
I heard they were going to build a Marsport in Rocky Point. You will be able to book a round trip package to Mars and back. You’ll get on a spaceship, travel to Mars, have a margarita at a replica of Manny’s in the Arandas Crater, fly back to Rocky Point, and have dinner a Capones in a single day. I can’t wait.
Sandra McMullen
Funny thing, Sandra…we heard that, too!
I would like to know if you have information about what the process is or someone who could give me the information for scattering someone’s ashes in the ocean. You are the best source I could think of to start gathering this information.
Connie Norsworthy – Overgaard
Just called the Port Captain, you don’t need any paperwork or permits, just make sure the boat has all the permits and they are safe, etc.
Sucks to be waiting in line to get into Mexico, when you want to be on the beach, but it’s great news for Rocky Point!!
Alicia Vivanco.
I know when I contacted them (BOOMERFEST) last fall, the ticket package was over $500 usd to attend the events. Just to attend, not rooms, food etc. I think the idea is fantastic, but the price is out of sight. Looking at their web site then, why should I pay that price to talk to realtors, insurance salesman, gov’t officials, motor homes and RV salesman. I think the idea is sound, but the promoters need a Mexican education on reality.
Ardi Harris
This is sad news. We always stay in Ajo before going to Peñasco just to eat the delicious food at the Bamboo Village.
Hope Campbell
Yes, Bamboo Village will be closing soon, after many, many years in Ajo.
Dear Sandy: As you may remember, our dog needs a shot for addison’s disease every month and we had a wonderful vet on Sonora named Balderama but found last month that he had moved to Navajoa. Can you recommend anyone else as the date of the shot is coming up next week. Someone in Ajo told me about one called Rustica de Oro but not sure location, phone #, nor whether they speak English. Thanks for your help.
Lonell Blow Ajo
Lonell, this is probably the one you are talking about, but we have others we use, also…Vet Chochoy speaks English and you can call him at (638) 2338. If you would like a choice. “Gallo de Oro” on Samuel O’Caña, right across where they are building a new Oxxo, we’ve heard he is a good vet.
Please send the Rocky Point times. Thank You.
Rodney Nicholas
Alexandria, MN
Enclosed is a check for a refill for the R.P. Times. It helps as we only get to go once a year; keeps us current on the ot her 11months that we spend in Oklahoma. 66 Murders in OKC in 2011, 99 murders in 2012. Looking forward t o coming back to Mexico where it’s safe! See ya’ll end of Sept. Only 150 more days to go.
P.S. This will be our 9th year at Playa Encanto, plan on many more.
Pam & Fred Smothermon
Edmond, OK
We would like to subscribe to Rocky Point Times, a check is enclosed.
Diane Radford & Pam Evans
St. Louis Missouri
I found the Kaffeehaus restaurant, just no parking. I’ve got bad knees and can’t walk all the way from the free lot on the corner.
Tracy Paul Gruber
Yes, stairs kill my knees, also! We have been lucky enough to find a parking spot right in front, each time!!
We sure have had a bit of wind this year in Peñasco. It’s normal in April but I’m not sure I remember May being quite so windy. Hope it dies down to the perfect breeze next month when we get to come down for 8 fabulous days during Circus Mexicus!
Julie McAllister
Yes, more wind this year than we remember in 23 years! See you in June for RCPM!!
We got a cell phone there once but the per minute charge was like $1.50 on any phone calls, do you know if they have deals going on their prepaid cards ?
Libbys Ellis
Libby, I don’t know what phone you had…but the charges are only $1.99 PESOS to $3.98 PESOS per minute, depending whether you have a contract cellular or a pre-pay. So, that’s only 2-4 pesos per minute for you to call the USA on your RP cell phone, which you can get for as little as $200PESOS @ OXXO, and TelCel on the main Blvd has many deals.
Pat wrote: Dont we people on the Mirador side just get sick of hearing about the other side all the time. There is businesses in the Mirador also. Did you forget where it all started?
Pat Foss
Yes, Pat, somebody needs to organize events on the Mirador Beach side, and let me know. Always happy to promote any event “on your side” with our Rocky Point Times Newspaper Facebook Page!
We have a group coming down June 14-16. We’re looking for some volunteer work to do. Do you know of anything that weekend?
Heather Brecke
Yes, of course. You can ALWAYS go to Casa Hogar (Home for the elderly) to visit and maybe play bingo, you can ALWAYS go to Esperanza (Children’s Home) to play and visit, you can ALWAYS help feed the poor through the 2Fish Program, or you can ALWAYS go to one of the Animal Shelters and help care for and play with the dogs and cats. Talk to Alicia @ Rocky Point Times Newspaper Offices off Calle 13, behind the second OXXO, she will certainly be able to help you…she knows everything! (And you can tell her SandyO said so).