Dog Food Needed: Again?

Check out our first July photo. Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words!

A personal message from Barb

“Every day the phone rings with more pleas for help. Who could turn them away? Mamas with babies, starving dogs, abandoned puppies, dogs who have been horribly abused or neglected…and so our breakneck pace continues, because we know we are their only hope.”

It took 20 minutes of multiple trips to and from the storage room and more than a little June sweat to set this picture up. That’s a lot of dog food, right?  Easily as big as the pet food aisle at the grocery store in Ajo.

Barb’s is at an all-time high number for the dogs and puppies in her care. Everything at the Rescue is stretched to and beyond capacity to keep up with the growing need. Amazingly, the 140 pounds of puppy chow, 240 pounds of adult chow, 48 twelve-ounce cans of wet food, and a large box of dog treats get Barb and her volunteers through (are you ready?)  just one day of food for the 400+ puppies, mothers, and other adult dogs currently residing at the Rescue. And that doesn’t include the special meals of boiled chicken and rice for the animals in recovery or formula for the abandoned newborns. Now, multiply that times 365 days a year.

You, the community of supporters of Barb’s Dog Rescue, are the reason we are able to provide food, shelter and care for these homeless animals. So, yes, we come to you again…and again, hoping you will continue your generous support of our mission that so many canine lives depend on. As you can imagine, a consistent diet of high protein food is so important for the health and welfare of the dogs. While we appreciatively accept all food donations, Welton’s on Benito Juarez carries both the Kirkland dry and canned food that we prefer for uniformity in nutrition and digestion. An alternative is the Purina Dog Chow in the green and purple bags from Sam’s. If you are not able to donate food, please remember donations are fully tax deductible.

Meet Lucy

Lucy is just one example of why we find ourselves beyond capacity and asking for your help. She was kept outdoors without food and water, and was slowly and painfully wasting away. She should weigh about 50 pounds but is less than half that amount.  Lucy is receiving plentiful food, gentle care, and badly needed medical treatment. It will take some time, but our prayers are that Lucy will respond to treatment and grow healthy and strong. Already, her beautiful spirit shines through.

As always, Barb wishes to thank all who have contributed food, money or time. She could not continue her good work without you. Most of all, she holds a special place in her heart for those kindred souls who are willing to open their home and hearts to rescue dogs.

Please visit us online at or our website: or Barb’s Mexico cell: (638) 114-1659 or U.S. cell: (602) 774-1578 Email: