What an amazing input of emails, stories and photos we received for the Rocky Point Times Sombrero Contest! We received loads of emails with photos including kids, pets, adults and even one from our editors, Sandy and Tom. Not wanting to be stuck with just my day job, I thought it was best that I include a sombrero photo of Sandy and Tom so I can keep on doing what I love…writing about our favorite beach town, ROCKY POINT!!! The contest’s entries ranged from funny to serious to sexy to downright hysterical. I personally want to thank everyone for their entries and due to the success and input from everyone, please look out for another contest later in the year…the plans are already in the making.
And after much debate, our winners have been chosen…Our third prize winner goes out to James Russell of Arizona. He has been coming to Rocky Point for over 3 decades and has been bringing his family and four kids since they were toddlers. His submission was an older photo from when his children were younger. The expressions on their faces are hysterical and made for an easy winner. Congrats to James for winning a sub sandwich and a year’s subscription to the one and only, Rocky Point Times. The second place prize goes out to Jessica Wolfe of Arizona in her super grande sombrero adorned with a large MEXICO. Beauty definitely won out here and Jessica takes home a bottle of wine and a year’s subscription to the Rocky Point Times. And…drum roll please…our Grand Prize Winner of 2 six packs of the fastest growing craft brewing company in the world, Lagunitas and a year’s subscription to the Rocky Point Times goes to…Terace Cobian from right here in Rocky Point. Terace submitted the photo of her son, Kaeden adorned with a poncho, sombrero and some other props to boot! Kaeden stole the show and takes home the prize. Enjoy the beer mom, but please hold off a few years to share it with Kaeden!
A sincere thank you goes out to the folks of Laguitas Brewing Company for their beer donations especially my dear friend, Bob Brader. Bob and his wife Diana were frequent visitors to Rocky Point and they even learned one of my favorite Rocky Point card games, GOLF while on one of their visits to Rocky Point. Thank you Bialy’s and Poturalski’s for teaching me and sharing this great game! Bob and I played GOLF whenever we got together and shared many laughs over the game. So when I told Bob about the Rocky Point Times Sombrero Contest, his generosity readily shined through and he immediately agreed to donate some of his family’s brewing company’s beer. Shortly after his donation, Bob passed away during his sleep at way too young of an age. Bob lived life like we all should. He was positive, caring and always ready to laugh with another. About two weeks before Bob passed on from us; we were playing GOLF and of course laughing over a few cervezas. For some reason, I opened up to Bob and thanked him for his friendship and for always having a ready ear and supportive smile when needed. Bob’s response was a humble, “Isn’t that was friends are for?”
As we go through our busy lives, let’s always remember to take the time to thank the” Bob’s” in our lives so we are blessed to live on with no regrets. Life is what you make it…so let’s make it a more positive one and remember to look out for one another and truly see the person who needs you the most. They are there now waiting for you…so reach out and help a friend today. Bob did and I am sure he’s in a better place because he did! Hope everyone is having an awesome summer and sporting your most awesome sombreros…GOD BLESS and see you at the beach! ADIOS AMIGOS!!!