Nancy and “The Gang” would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and a wonderful New Year!!
Many wonderful events have occurred this past year and we are looking forward to more of the same in 2013. A BIG Thank You to all of you that helped over the years and allowed us to continue the good work for the animals of Puerto Peñasco. Tax Season is upon us and remember that we are a 501©3 non-profit Corporation and your donations are a tax deduction. Call Nancy for information on making a donation for 2012 at (602) 412-3932 or local RP 383-1012. You can mail checks made out to AACORP to PO Box 1031, Lukeville, AZ 85341 or donate through Paypal on our Web Page or through our donation button on Facebook. You can email me at
We can purchase pet food at Welton’s on Juarez just south of the Santa Fe market. We use Kirkland dog, puppy and cat food. We are in need of canned cat and kitten food. A monthly donation can help us purchase the food here as we are having problems bringing the food into Mexico. We have to be careful of the food that is given to the animals here at the center.
The center has had many hundreds if not thousands of wonderful stories over the years. One that is especially fitting to print at this time of year is the story of “Ginny”.
The Miracle of Ginny
It was a Sunday morning on November 1st, the day of the Angels, when all of Mexico celebrates the lives of all the children that have passed to the other side. November 2nd is the: Day of the Dead” when the Mexican people pay tribute to the adults that have passed.
Many of my friends were headed to church that Sunday morning and services with Tab Grey on this day “Day of the Angels”. Carolyn was the first one to see the skinny black dog as she was leaving the Sonoran Sky Resort on her way to Tabs services. She saw the shadow of a black dog leaning against the building. After services she searched for the dog but could not find her. She thought of the dog all during the night. Was the dog hiding or waiting for someone? Another friend, Candace, and her hubby John Garvey were leaving Puerta Privada for services but did spot the dog after the service. She was being dragged by a rope tied around her neck by one of the security guards. He had been told to remove the dog from the property. The resort had called the local pound but they had not shown up to retrieve the dog. Candace went into Puerta Privada and asked several people for help, or advice on what she could do for the dog. Someone handed her a copy of the Rocky Point Times with the information for Animal Adoption Center of Rocky Point. Candace tried calling the center but kept reaching another number, Candy was babbling on about this precious dog to the person on the other end of the phone when the voice on the other end said “Candy is that you? This is your sister in California? Candace hung up and followed the map to the Animal Adoption Center.
A group of Candy and her friends pulled up with this dog in the back of the truck. I have never seen a dog so close to death, but still alive. As they handed me the dog I said “Her name is Ginny!”. I took Ginny into the house and put her on a warm bed and applied honey to her lips and tried to hydrate her but her skin was stuck to her bones. I put a heater near her bed and watched as several cats covered her with their bodies. Ginny had such fear and pain in her eyes, but by morning she was bright eyed and actually smiling. I called my daughter, Penelope who was a Vet Tech at Sonora Animal Hospital, and after some conversation I was told to get Ginny to the hospital immediately. I knew my friend Karen Gosnell was leaving for Phoenix that morning and when I called she was loading her vehicle for the trip but stated, “Of course I will take Ginny to Phoenix”. Karen said that she talked to Ginny during the trip. Upon their arrival the doctor and technicians were waiting for Ginny to arrive. When they removed Ginny from the car they realized that Ginny had died during the trip. Dr. Ruzzio who had been waiting to take Ginny into her care told Penelope that she had never seen such a big smile on a dog – white teeth shining.
Later that day Candy came by and we cried together over the loss of a sweet Rocky Point dog named Ginny. Candy confided to me that she was so upset when she first saw Ginny that she actually saw her mother’s face when she looked into Ginny’s eyes. Her mother had passed several years before and her sister and she had not talked since the death. As we all know, tragedy affects families, and we all deal with death differently. When Candy made the phone call to try to reach the Animal Center and got the wrong number – the person on the other end of the phone was Ginny – her sister in California. How did that number get on her Mexican phone? And what made me name the dog “GINNY:? The same spelling! Ginny was only 4 or 5 months old but died with such a beautiful smile on her face. How many lives were touched that day by a beautiful little black dog named Ginny?
During this Holiday season if you have a friend or relative that you need to connect with, please do so and let the legend and miracle of Ginny live on in many more hearts.
Peace and love to all our animal friends- Nancy and “The Gang” including “Ginny”