Finding Paradise
By: Sandy Spain
Prepare and let it Evolve
In a recent issue I told you about Russ and Naomi finding Puerto Peñasco and about the enterprises Naomi has started and said I would tell you about what Russ was up to.
Even before moving here, Russ prepared by establishing a corporation, Peñasco Recreation. He wasn’t sure what it would be and was ready to let it evolve. After completing the remodel and additions to their home, he built a trailer park to accommodate small trailers for local workers. When the economic problems hit, there were no tenants so that site became Naomi’s shop, Off the Beach. (By the way, Off the Beach is now open on Friday from noon to 4pm and most Saturdays from noon to 2pm and appointments can be made for other times. Contact Naomi at 044-638-107-3140.) After completing Naomi’s shop, Russ started doing local tours and the Russ Bus was born.
Russ and the Russ Bus
Jump in the Russ Bus and Go Explore
Go Explore
What can you do? Where can you go?
Russ wanted to support the local hard working family enterprises by taking people places where they might not venture on their own as well as to the more well known sites in our community. He has a number of set tours and can also customize a tour for anything that you might like and the prices are quite reasonable. While he likes to have at least 8 people, his van can handle up to 14 people. And Russ will hire another van and driver, if you have a group bigger than that, he will do the tours for smaller groups, it just raises the price a bit.
There is the Elegante Tour which takes in the largest crater in the Pinacates and the Visitor Center located closer to town. Russ is the only non-Mexican tour operator permitted to take tours inside the Pinacate Preserve.
Groups at the Elegante Crater
and the Pinacate Visitors Center
The City Tour includes the Tequila Factory, Las Conchas, Estero Morua, Mirador, Malecon, CetMar, Sandy Beach, the harbor area, Cholla Bay and Whale Hill. Then there is the Lazy Afternoon Cantina Crawl, (which I am sure I don’t have to describe for you!) and the Eat Like a Local foodie tour. This tour includes a couple of local specialties, the Sonoran hot dog and the Momia (you’ll have to take Russ’s tour) as well as carne asado and pastor tacos.
More folks having fun with a Russ Bus Tour – Water and Mayan
Rocky Point Ramblings
Another activity for Russ in his ever evolving efforts to publicize Mexico and Puerto Peñasco in particular was joining the infamous Rose Glover on the radio show, Rocky Point Ramblings. Russ told me to be sure and give credit to Fernando Lopez as the Godfather of this show. Rosie and Russ recently celebrated the 1 year anniversary of the first local English language radio show in Puerto Peñasco. You can hear it on local FM station 106.1, or go to Rocky Point Ramblings on Facebook to get the current link to hear it on-line. Russ says that he and Rose strive to highlight the activities and people of our community showing that living here is like living anywhere else in a small town – again, always trying to let folks know that it is safe to live and travel here.
Get some R&R (Rosie and Russ) and listen to Rocky Point Ramblings
on Saturday from Noon to 2 pm.
Ever Evolving
Peñasco Recreation as Russ said early in our interview is ever evolving. He doesn’t know what it may become, but he is always open to new activities. An effort that is just beginning is his association with Thunder on the Beach, the dirt track racing event on Sandy Beach near the Reef RV park. As I write this they are conducting their second event and are hoping this effort has a good future.
Photo of the Week
Russ and Naomi send out a weekly email with a couple of travel photos. One might be from anywhere in the world and one is local. They also have links and notices about the many activities in town. To get on the email list for this, and I highly recommend it, email: To find out more about tours and arrange the one you want, contact Russ by email: or phone him at (cell) (044-638) 113-4591. So get out and see our paradise!