By Wayne Corcoran, Public Relations (PR) VP, AMPI Chapter 51, Puerto Peñasco
At our last AMPI General meeting we voted in a new Board of Directors for AMPI. Along with my election to the AMPI PR VP role, the external communication, such as this newspaper article has been assigned to the PR role, so you will be hearing from me over the next 12 months. See the Clubs and Organization section for the new board of directors for AMPI.
A. M. P. I. is the Mexican Association of real estate professionals formed in 1956. It now has members in more than 22 cities, plus an International Section. AMPI is affiliated with the National Association of Realtors (U.S.A.), the Canadian Real Estate Association, FIABCI, the International Real Estate Federation, and with the newly formed International consortium of Real Estate Associations; ICREA Mexico; AMPI is represented on the “five member” Board of Directors of this new global initiative.
“AMPI is a private organization of professional Real Estate Practitioners that are subject to our bylaws and adopted our code of ethics, for the integral formation of its members, dignifying the Real Estate practice and protecting always the private property rights.
AMPI is the largest Real Estate Association in Mexico, founded in 1957 in Mexico City, with 20 members. Today AMPI has thousands of members and represents about 10,000 practitioners through the country. AMPI includes: Appraisers, Developers, Councilors and Brokers, which are subject to our bylaws and adopted our code of ethics. AMPI is governed by the National Board of Directors, which elects a National President for a 2 year term. AMPI has 30 autonomous boards, in most of the major areas in the country.
AMPI works together with Federal, State and Municipal authorities, proposing new laws and amendments to existing laws and regulations, directly related to the Real Estate activity. AMPI represents its associates in diverse private and public entities. AMPI is a founding member of the International Consortium of Real Estate Associations. AMPI has a practitioners Registry at the Mexican consumer protection Agency and uses authorized contracts.
AMPI has been active in the local community promoting higher real estate standards to protect real estate buyers and sellers. Puerto Peñasco real estate is driven primarily by the tourist industry investing in vacation condos & homes, for this reason we spend a lot of time promoting the city along with our real estate listings. We have been working with state tourism and the city to help put our city in the right light as we communicate with our North American visitors. With the drug related issues that Mexico has faced in the last several years we have taken a leading role in correcting the messages communicated through Arizona newspapers about the safety in this area. In the past few years we also helped the city to prevent a few real estate frauds by identifying the activity and helping the city deal with the situation through the police force. We continue to find ways to improve the way we do business helping our industry be a positive influence on our economy and lifestyle.
Sonora State law requires Real Estate Agents to be licensed. AMPI (Association of Mexican Real Estate Professionals) is the sister organization to NAR (National Association of Realtors) in the USA. Actually AMPI Associates are also NAR Members and our members are committed to excellence. We encourage you to visit our association’s website at and learn more about whom we are and what we have to offer you and call one of us TODAY!