October was a great month, full of events and lots of visitors and returning residents. I drove to Pane e Vino one random weekend for a couple of Luca’s delicious pizza’s and was amazed at the number of people in town – RAZRS and UTV’s and people everywhere! The weather didn’t break until the end of the month, but that didn’t seem to dissuade anyone from coming down and having a good time. The town has been busy pretty much every week and weekend as people seem to be looking for dive-to vacation and getaway spots, and we’re perfect for people who live in Phoenix, Tucson and California – and I’ve seen lots of Texas, New Mexico and Utah plates around town. I can’t think of another place where you can enjoy the ocean, desert, great views, great people, delicious and inexpensive food and shopping, all in one location. If you’ve been thinking about buying property in Rocky Point, now is definitely the time – especially if Covid is staying around for a while. Quarantine is much better here on the Sea of Cortez.
Speaking of buying, I was invited to attend the Groundbreaking and Owner’s Party at Encantame Towers in Playa Encanto last month. Great event, very well organized and a lot of fun! It’s amazing what developers Miguel Guevarra and Mary Snyder have built – beautiful and amazing – nothing like it in Peñasco or anywhere around. Miguel and Mary, their top-notch sales team were introduced as well as Puerto Peñasco Mayor, Kiko Munro who said a few words and special guest, Roger Clyne treated us to a couple acoustic sets. We got to tour the onsite condo and some took the elevator up to the 14th floor to check out the views. The owners who have purchased their condos got to sign a “Memory Wall” so it will be fun to read all of their comments once the project is finished. The first of three towers will be delivered in Spring of 2021 and it will be the tallest building in Rocky Point AND the entire State of Sonora: And when all three towers are finished – they will claim the top 3 spots as the tallest buildings in the city and state. The condos are beautiful, and the views are amazing. As with all the projects the Guevarra/Snyder Team have been involved in, these condos, and the entire 150-acre development is going to be spectacular and the condos are being snapped up. So, if Encantame Towers has been on your radar, you had better stop by their office and put a deposit on yours before they are all gone.
As more and more of you are coming down these days, some for the first time, we need to remind you of some the rules, laws and common courtesies. Absolutely no guns or ammo allowed into Mexico. Even a lone casing causes much excitement at the border and at military checkpoints as you can imagine! I know a lot of you have been out plinking lately and it’s really easy to forget some bullets in your vehicle or casing for those of you who pick up your brass to reload – so make sure your vehicle is 100% clean when you cross our border. Also, when you’re travelling through Mexico, truckers, buses and vehicles use their left blinker to let the car behind them know that it is safe to pass. And a lot of people pass in no passing zones, so watch out for this, slow moving vehicles and cattle on Hwy. 8. And do not drive at night. As mentioned, there are cattle, slow moving vehicles – some without lights – potholes and other road hazards that aren’t as noticeable at night. And please try to leave space between your vehicles for those who are eager to get to Rocky Point ahead of you and want to pass.
We were going to start publishing the Events Calendar in this edition, but it is still very hard to know, from day to day, what is happening. Some events happen, some are being cancelled – and we just can’t predict the future, so please check our social media channels for upcoming events and or shoot us an email.
If you’re coming down for Thanksgiving Weekend, be sure to check out your favorite establishment to see if they are cooking up a traditional turkey dinner and check our local stores for groceries if you are cooking at your home, condo or in your RV. We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and hope everyone stays happy and healthy.